Chapter 15

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I thought the one place I'd be safe from the side effects of dating a prince would be work. I would be in the break room getting a coffee and I would notice everyone just staring at me. Some people would walk very slowly past my office and stare.

Like yes! It's me! In the fucking flesh.

David knocked on my door before he let himself in.

"Alena!" he said in a sing-song voice, "Hello darling.:

I looked up from my work, "Hi, David."

He sat down in the chair in front of my desk, "So I heard about you and Prince Archibald."

"I think the whole world has." I said in response

"Right, but as your co-worker and boss I need a favor." he began

Oh Lord, what could it possibly be?

"So our fashion show is in December and I'd like for the Prince and you to come plus I'd like for you to give him some of our clothing for publicity reasons." David explained to me

I looked at my planner, "What day in December? We're going to be gone from the 10th to the 13th."

"Gone? Gone where? The fashion show is on the night of December 13th!" he spoke frantically

"He wants to take me on a trip for my birthday." I explained to him, "I don't know where we're going but our flight doesn't land until mid-afternoon."

Dave nodded, "Well, I'll send someone to get you guys ready when you land."

"Alright, but I can't completely promise his presence yet. He's a busy man." I told David

He stood up from the chair, "Just that you're willing is all that matters."

Sydney slammed multiple magazines down on the table, "The Landlord thought you'd like this so he left it in our mailbox."

I moved my dinner plate out of the way and flipped through three magazines, all of which had my face on the cover whether it'd be big or small or with Archie.

'Prince's New Girlfriend was once pregnant before!' - No it's called the freshman fifteen

'Prince's New Girlfriend Wants to Take Prince away from England!' - So completely false

'Alena Thompson - The Newest Threat to The Bloodline.' - Threat? What in the hell

"I told you that getting involved with him was a bad idea! Social Media is only worse." Sydney scolded me

I smacked my lips together, "It's just three stupid magazines."

"Alena, this is only the tip of the iceberg. This shit is just getting started." Sydney grumbled

"Sydney, I don't want to argue about this anymore. Let's just talk and be civil. You're my favorite cousin and I do value your opinion and how much you care about me." I said to her

She nodded her head slowly, "Ok, yeah, let's just relax and watch some Tv."

Sydney and I spent nearly three hours watching some baking show and talking about things. It was nice to finally reconnect and catch up.

But I remembered that Sydney said 'Social Media is only worse' so I went on Twitter and I looked up my name and Archie's name.

I wish I never did.

There were some good things but the cons outweighed the nice things. It hurt my feelings, to be honest. I'd never really experienced people hating me, especially for no reason.

I checked the world clock on my phone and it was only four o'clock in California. All I wanted to do was call my Mom and vented to her for an hour.

I valued Archie so much. He was my favorite boyfriend or guy friend that I'd ever had. He made me so happy but I hated the way the public was.

But I loved him so much and I wanted to be with him so bad.

I just didn't know for sure if the criticism was worth it.

He was.

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