Chapter 14

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To say I freaking out when I found out the news knew who I was and who I was dating was an understatement. I was scrolling through an article titled 'Five Things to Know About The Prince's New Girlfriend'.

My heart was pounding as Archie looked over my shoulder while I scrolled through the article.

"How do they know this much?" I asked Archie, "How in the hell did they find some of these pictures?"

He rubbed my back, "I have no idea but I'm gonna try to take care of it."

I fell into his chest, "How is this going to affect you though?"

Archie kissed the top of my head, "Don't worry about that, Lainey, I care about you. We'll get through this."

I nodded my head, "Ok."

Archie wrapped his arms around me and I could feel his phone buzzing in his pocket. I already knew who it was, it was probably the reason he'd been at my place for so long.

I started to pull away but he kept his arms around me.

"Wait, don't pull away - I want to hold you for a while longer." Archie spoke lowly, "You calm me down."

"How much longer is a while longer? If it's more than an hour lets go get in my bed because it's comfier." I said to him

Archie helped me off of the couch and we walked to my bedroom. We got into my bed and just cuddled with each other.

"Alena?" he spoke gently

"Yeah?" I responded

"Do you believe in soulmates?" Archie asked

I took a second to think about his question.

"Soulmates? It sounds dumb." I began, "We're definitely soulmates though."

I looked up at Archie, "Do you think so?"

"I know it sounds crazy to say but I do." Archie agreed with me, "I've been with a lot of girls and I've never got this feeling about anyone else or thought about someone so much."

"My future has you in it. Everything else is just a bonus." I said to him which caused his cheeks to turn a rosy color

"We've got something special, Lainey." he beamed, "And I know that there will be a lot of challenging days but I want you to know that no one will have your back more than me. I promise."

I sat up and kissed Archie, "I needed to hear that."

"You should get going, I don't want your Dad to be madder at us or you then he probably already is." I stroked his hair

Archie nodded, "You're right but I don't want to get up... I'm so warm beside you and you make me so happy."

"Just call me later tonight, ok?" I said as he got out of my bed and put on his shoes

"Of course, Lainey." he agreed

I smiled at that nickname, "You're the only person who calls me that and it's the cutest thing ever."

I walked Archie to his car and gave him another kiss before he left. I took some time to catch up on work and avoided going on any social media.

As soon as Sydney came home, she jumped on the couch yelling "Bitch!"

"You need to catch me up on everything! Are you guys actually dating?" Sydney frantically asked me

I nodded, "We are. It's been a whirlwind, to say the least."

So I gave Sydney the full rundown of everything that happened between Archie and me over the past week. She was shocked and surprised, but she said she saw it coming.

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