Chapter 28

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December. Oh, December.

It was already a busy enough month trying to shop for Christmas presents but now I had so much going on this month. I had to plan a royal freakin' wedding and April twenty-fourth was practically tomorrow.

But today was an exciting day.

I was trying on three samples of potential wedding dresses. David hired people to help and was working around the clock to get everything for us.

It was safe to say we were cutting him a pretty nice check.

The thing was I had to try on the dresses in front of the advisory board, Heidi, Annie, Victoria, Matilda, Ruth, and Winston because according to Royal law the sovereign had the final say in dresses.

The first dress was an off the shoulder ball gown dress with a sweetheart neckline. The whole dress had beautiful embroidered lace. To say it was a sample dress, it looked like it could be on a salesfloor.

Even if I didn't have a dress, I knew what shoes I was wearing. They were a beautiful pair of white satin pumps gifted to me by Ruth.

I loved all of the dresses that David designed. From the off the shoulder one to long sleeves but there was a clear winner that would be absolutely perfect with a few adjustments.

And the best part of all of it was that we decided on the dress with minimal arguing and under three hours.

I was so excited yet so nervous about my wedding - well the royal wedding - I was excited about our California wedding.

Weddings were just exciting times in general.

I walked through the front door of the house to see rose petals on the ground.

Oh my gosh.

I followed the rose petals into the kitchen to see gold '24' balloons, a bouquet of roses, wrapped presents, and a table set for dinner with candles.

"Happy birthday, Lainy." Archie grabbed the roses. I dropped my heels on the ground and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank you, baby. You have no idea how happy I am to see you after my day." I felt him rub my back, "You're so cute."

I moved away and looked around the kitchen.

"Twenty-four years on this planet some of the best years have been spent with you. I wanna keep having birthdays with you for the rest of my life." I looked him in the eyes as I wrapped my arms around him

"I love you so much." I beamed before I gave him a kiss

Archie kissed my cheek, "I love you more than anything."

"Anything?" I asked him

He nodded his head, "I'd pick you over anything any day until we have kids. Then I'll pick our family over anything, any fucking day."

I rubbed his back, "I'm so appreciative of you. Let's eat."

Archie made me my favorite dinner, steak and potatoes, with a fresh strawberry cake from our favorite bakery.

For my birthday presents he got me a trip to the British Virgin Islands in January, name rings of both of our names, and an Apple watch to go with my new Lululemon.

"I found my wedding dress today." I said to Archie as we laid on the couch, "You knew what you were doing when you brought me to the church that time."

He was playing with a strand of my hair as he had his arm over my shoulder, "I sure did. I like to bring things into existence."

I looked at my engagement ring, "You did exactly that."

"I've been thinking a lot lately." I began, "So much is about to change but I'm so excited for the change."

I looked over at Archie, "What if I'm pregnant a year from now?"

A smile grew over his face, "We'll just have to wait and see. I feel like once I become a Dad my third eye will open or something."

"I can't wait to see how everything will turn out." I looked at him


On December twenty-second, I flew home to California to be with my family for Christmas. I couldn't believe that it would be my last Christmas with them before I was a married woman who would be able to finally celebrate with the royals.

It was always nice to catch up with my siblings.

Aubrey was loving her first semester of college especially with Alexandra by her side.

Aaron was thriving as he began to wrap up his residency and I got to meet his new girlfriend, Claire, and they were getting pretty serious.

I was happy for him. There was no better feeling than being loved by someone who makes you feel like the only person in the world.

But I loved the nights when it was just the five of us talking over dinner and then going out to a late movie together.

"So Dad and I have been thinking about buying a house in London just so we have somewhere to go when we need to be closer to you." my Mom began, "You know for the wedding, vacations, or when you have babies."

I nodded, "Sounds good to me."

"When am I going to be an aunt?" Aubrey questioned me

"Aubrey, only God knows but I'd kind of like to be twenty-five first." I answered my sister's question, "Plus there's a lot to think about before we - um - procreate."

I shifted on the couch, "I know I love him of course but I'm scared what it would be like the subject my child to that stuff. But I've wanted to be someone's mommy my whole life and I don't want that to hold me back."

"Don't think too much about it. You never know where the world will be when your child is your age." my Mom suggested

"You're right." I agreed with her, "Oh my gosh, we're so close to the wedding and I'm nervous."

My Dad sipped his wine, "Talk about a big deal."

I let out a small laugh, "Wow thanks Dad that's so assuring."

"Everything is going to be fine." My Mom looked over at me

Archie came over to the U.S. a few days after Christmas and we spent some time with my family before we flew to the British Virgin Islands for our getaway.

"I got my other wedding dress for California and planning it is going amazing." I beamed as we sat in the hot tub, "It's hot and classy at the same time."

"Is it considered blasphemy if I say I'm more excited for the California wedding?" Archie asked me

I shook my head, "It's going to a night to remember that is stress-free."

Archie began to kiss (or practically makeout) with my neck/cheek, "My favorite words."

"I can't wait to have you by my side for the rest of my life. On God, you're the best thing to ever happen to me." Archie expressed

No matter how many times he got wine-drunk and all gushy, it made me feel alive every time. He thought I was the one to save him but he saved me.

Archie showed me everything.

From the most beautiful city in the world to my true self.

He was my better half and I couldn't find someone better to spend forever with.

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