Chapter 13

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"So, Amie, I think we need to talk." my Mom started and I knew it was coming. She took Aubrey and I to this restaurant in Malibu with an amazing view of the ocean. I knew this "girls day" was going to come with a talk.

I picked at my fries, "About what?"

"Well, Archie specifically. " she put her fork down

I looked up at her, "Do you not like him?"

"It's not that, I think he's very charismatic and handsome but he is the prince of England. What happens if this goes far, Amaryllis? He's a very important person." my mom explained herself

She always brought up the truth that I tried to avoid.

"I honestly don't know." I looked her in the eyes, "Yes, I'm a little scared but I really like him, Mom."

"I understand that but we need to be real here - he's a white prince and you're a black woman - the media will tear you to shreds. They tore me to shreds when I had a stupid pageant crown on my head, what do you think they'll do to you when you have a real crown on your's?" my Mom went on

I sighed, "But that was over thirty years ago."

"Sweetheart, things have not changed much if at all. I just want you to be careful because I love you and care about you. The media is cruel." she warned me

I nodded my head, "I know. This might not even really be something, you know? So there's no need to worry right now. Only time will tell."

"Whatever you say." Aubrey spoke under her breath


A trip to Los Angeles was not complete without a trip to Disneyland. This was Archie's first time at Disney and it was Halloween. We didn't dress up or anything but I did get him a commemorative first visit button and we both got Mickey and Minnie ears.

"You know what I've been thinking about?" Archie asked me as we got off of the Pirates of the Carribean ride

"No, tell me." I looked at him

He smiled at me, "Yesterday. I have to say the chemistry was pretty electrifying. We should do it again so you can remember."

I gently nudged him, "It was pretty good."

"I've been thinking a lot lately and it's pretty clear that we're more than friends. I hope you got that vibe too." his voice trailed off

I gave him a look, "You've met my parents and we've had so many sleepovers. I most definitely got that vibe."

His whole face lit up, "Good, that's good to hear."

I wrapped my arm around his waist as we walked, "My parents really like you which means a lot to me."

"See, we were nervous for no reason." he put his arm around me and I just felt so good. I felt appreciated, comforted, and safe. As long as his arm was around me, it was like nothing could go wrong.

"Sorry to trail off topic but I must say the one in Florida is much better." Archie commented

I scoffed, "This whole time you made me believe you've never been to any Disney park."

"I've just never been to this one, plus you're a cute tour guide." Archie squeezed me tighter to him

We made it back to the car after taking a few pictures and started the near hour drive back to Beverly Hills. I held Archie's hand as I drove.

"Do you want to do this with me? I kinda have a lot of baggage." Archie gently questioned me, "The whole title, press, mommy issues."

I kept my eyes on the road, "Why does it sound like you don't want me to like you?"

"I feel like I don't deserve you and I'm going to wake up from this dream at any moment." he responded

I squeezed his hand, "I want to do this with you."

Archie kissed my hand, "I can't promise you that things will always be easy but I can promise you that you will always have me. I mean that 100 percent. I will always have your back no matter what."

My heart melted but I also wondered what the hell I was getting myself into for this man.

"I don't have to go to any training classes or anything, right?" I joked with him

"Nah, not until we get engaged." I looked at him and he winked.

Cheeky, cheeky.

We got up to the hotel room and got ready for bed. It was nice to change into pajamas and just sit in bed to talk.

"What's your favorite food?" Archie wondered

"I could eat Salmon for the rest of my life. Straight up salmon, salmon salads, salmon sandwiches, you name it." I thought about, "I also love Italian food though."

He nodded, "I love pizza and a good rigatoni."

My phone buzzed, "You're making me hungry."

"My Mom wants you to come on our family vacation to Turks and Caicos for Thanksgiving." I looked at the text, "Five days, four nights."

"I'd be delighted." Archie agreed, "It'll be nice to celebrate my first bloody, horrendous, made up American holiday with you."

I chuckled, "We prefer to call it Ingenious people day."

I put my phone on the nightstand and looked at Archie, "You're really handsome."

He scooted closer to me, "I could easily get used to this, but if I kiss you once it'll only make me want a hundred more."

"I most definitely would love those hundred." I leaned in closer to him, "You make me feel so damn gushy."

"Let's keep that feeling going, don't you agree?" Archie spoke lowly before he put his soft lips on mine.

I couldn't even describe the feelings that I got when he kissed me. He laid me down and he continued kissing me as he was on top. My hands ran through his slightly wavy hair as he pulled away.

Archie was still hovering over me as he gave me this soft yet piercing look, "Be my girlfriend?"

I was smiling so hard. I'd never felt so giddy in my life, "Yes!"

"This cannot be my life right now, I shouldn't be this bloody happy." Archie chuckled as I stroked his cheek

He kissed me lightly before I pulled away.

"You know, you're really cute." I beamed before he kissed me again. Archie rolled off the top of me and got up to turn off all of the lights.

We got under the covers and I rested my head on his chest as his arms were around me.

"I think that we just need to stay private for a few months when it comes to the media." Archie began, "It's not that I'm ashamed of you or anything but the media is so fucking aggressive. I just want to continue to get to know you and for us to grow more in private."

I grinned, "Well that's good to hear because I want the same thing."

"That's good."

"Can we stay like this forever?" Archie whispered

"I wish, but let's just enjoy this moment for now." I whispered back

Everything was fine, maybe even perfect, and then we touched down in London. It was complete and utter chaos. 

My mom posted a picture of Archie and I on Facebook and someone must have sent it to the pressed. The picture of us cozied up in my parents' backyard was everywhere. 

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