Chapter 35

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I always knew that when I had my baby - especially my first - that it would be a special time. But having a baby that was a royal was a whole different story.

All I focused on was Aiyla.

I loved holding her while we watched the news to see her Dad's live interview.

"Do you want anything to eat?" my Mom asked me, "A sandwich or something?"

I nodded, "A sandwich would be nice, I think she's finally starting to go to sleep. It's around that time."

"I'll go fix it for you, Amie." my mom got off the couch and walked to the kitchen

My heart melted as my sweet baby girl wrapped her hand around my finger. I never wanted her to grow up. I just wanted to protect her from everything.

There was footage of the London Eye lit up in pink last night and it reminded me of the time that Archie surprised me on a date there.

Then his beautiful face popped up on the TV screen.

"Yes, I'm very excited to announce that Alena and myself welcomed a beautiful, precious baby girl into the world a few days ago. Mother and baby are doing well." he beamed, "This has to be the most amazing that to happen to me."

He let out a small laugh, "I don't even know how women do it. It's quite incredible and beyond comprehension. We're both so happy and grateful for our sweet Aiyla. Thank you for all of the love and support from all over the world and all of you here today."

"How did you pick the name?" a reporter asked him

"We choose Aiyla's first name partially just because we liked how it sounded and there hasn't been an Aiyla in either one of our families. Beatrice means she who brings happiness and we prayed for her and she makes us so incredibly happy. Of course, Frances was chosen after my mother." Archie began to get choked up

He looked down and back up, "It's hard to go through this without my own Mother and I wish she could be here so badly. No amount of wishing and praying will bring her back but I do have my Aiyla. I just want to be the best man I can be for both Alena and Aiyla. I will make the best choices for our family and our nation."

"Thank you very much." he spoke softly before he walked away

I was so proud of him and I couldn't wait to continue to grow our family together.

It was so heartwarming to watching our family members meet Aiyla.

She had a certain presence about her that just roped everybody in.

"She's absolutely gorgeous and I'm so happy to be your Aunt little Aiyla." Alexandra beamed as she held her

"I'm obsessed with her name." Matilda looked at me, "It's so pretty and fits her perfectly."

Archie nodded, "That's our little Bean."

"Is that her nickname?" Ruth wondered

"She has a bunch." I began, "Bean has been there from day one, then there is Yaya from my Mom and AiAi. Bean is the one we call her the most, Archie came up with it."

Archie took Aiyla from Alexandra, "My baby girl."

"Well, we need to start planning her Christening." Ruth began

Archie cleared his throat, "Yeah, let's talk about when she's been on this Earth for a month. We just need time to adjust."

He was very right.

The last thing we wanted was to be pushed into something quickly.

But life went on.

It was like I blinked and Aiyla was already a month old.

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