Chapter 31

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My first few months on my new job was nothing short of amazing. There were lows but there were a lot more highs.


After our California nuptials, Archie and I escaped to the British Virgin Islands for a week for our honeymoon. 

The BVI was one of our favorite places to go. It was beautiful and we always stayed in the same quiet, secluded house. No one knew where we were except our family which was amazing because of no paparazzi. 

"You know what I realized?" Archie began

I looked over at him as we sat by the pool, "What?"

"We're very much beach people. My parents like the mountains and skiing and shit, but there's nowhere we want to go more than a beach." he explained to me, "I can't wait to bring our children to the beach and build sandcastles, watch dolphins."

I smiled, "It's so cute to hear you talk about 'our children'. It's just one of those things that I'm excited to make a reality. Well not quite yet but in the near future."

"We have to finish remodeling Kensington first." Archie said as he ate some pineapple, "Also I'm not looking forward to going straight to the Royal Ascot when we get back."

"At least you'll be tan and with your wife this time around." I reminded him of the brighter side of things, "Plus it's your Dad's favorite event and Alex is finally coming back."

Archie nodded, "Yeah, yeah, but I like being here with you and the beautiful blue water."

"I know. Just soak it all in now." I told him

And we did. 

We spent a lot of time on the beach, cooking, in the pool, and then on the plane back to London, we were home for all of four hours before we were only our way to the Royal Ascot. 

Since marrying Archie, I'd gotten used to the conservative dresses but the hats were still getting used to. My stylist, Lillian, dressed me in a midi blue dress with sheer long sleeves and of course, a matching hat.

I looked at Archie who had on a morning suit with a top hat.

"What's cookin' good lookin'?" I asked him with a big smile on my face

He grabbed my hands and just looked at me, "How'd I get so lucky?"

"I'd kiss you but I don't want to miss up my lipstick." I spoke and right after it left my mouth, Archie gave me a kiss on my forehead

"Let's go before we're late." our assistant rushed us

We got to ride in a carriage with Winston and Ruth which brought back all of the feels from our wedding. We talked about how beautiful our vows were, the California wedding, and how our honeymoon went.

The Royal Ascot went as it should.

We got to socialize with other royals and aristocrats, plus I really liked talking to Frances' family. Archie and I were really close to his Moms' family which was a good feeling, it was like she was almost still her.

It was still bothersome that we couldn't necessarily 'crack' her journals. I could never figure out what she meant by that she tried and Annie wasn't budging or she was always out of the country.

But nevertheless, we still had a good time. 

Other than Wimbledon, late July/mid-August was a slow month for the Royal Family. Archie and I mostly spent that month remodeling our part of Kensington. We got new floors, painted the walls, got some new furniture, and we just made it our own. 

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