Chapter 24

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There was just something about weddings especially when it was your best friend's. I loved helping Peyton get ready for her special day.

I remember us coming home in middle school and looking at wedding dresses or watching movies that revolved around weddings. I even remembered watching royal wedding clips on YouTube - who woulda thought?

Just standing on the side and watching her say her vows while crying made me want to cry. I scanned the crowd until I locked eyes with Archie.

I gave him a smile.

That's where I wanted to be with him.

Even though our wedding wouldn't be anything like Peyton and Parker's. I knew nothing about our wedding was going to be private and intimate but I loved him so much.

I knew what I was getting myself into and I wanted it.

There was no one else who fits me better than Archie.

I clapped my hands and smiled as they both said 'I do'.

I walked back down the aisle with Declan - an old friend from high school - and he looked at me.

"Are you next?" he asked me

I grinned, "I hope so. Or maybe it's you."

Declan shrugged, "Maybe so. Your's would be a bigger deal."

I made a face, "You're telling me, I'm a little nervous about it."

"You'll be fine." he assured me

I hope so.

We took a charter bus to the reception area where we then had to take pictures.

"God this place is beautiful." I complimented Peyton

She smiled, "Thank you but it's not as beautiful as the Westminster Abbey."

"Good one." I complimented her. I just looked at her in that beautiful white dress. "You look so gorgeous, Peyton."

Peyton gave me a hug, "Thank you, Alena. Not just for that compliment but for always being there for me."

"You're my best friend for life." I reminded her, "Let's go get ready for dinner."

The bridal party had to line up before we could come into the reception space. Then there was dinner, first dances, toast, cutting the cake, it was just a fun night. I think the open bar was a big hit.

"Does the wedding have you thinking?" Aubrey asked me as we stood in the bathroom

"To be honest, it does. It's just the fact that everything for us would be so different." I vented to my sister, "It's a lot to think about but I would want a forever with him."

Aubrey shrugged, "Just have two weddings. The big fancy one and then a lowkey one."

"That's what I was thinking but I don't know if that's allowed and I don't wanna shake things up too much. You know?" I asked my little sister

"Bitch, shake things up." Aubrey disagreed, "Archie is behind you 110 percent."

Aubrey looked me in the eyes, "My goal in life is to have a man that is behind me that much."

I leaned against the wall, "This is a completely different topic but I want children with him but I don't. I'm scared. Do you get it? Like our kids won't look like the rest of the heirs. It's probably gonna have caramel skin and curly hair and Archie was in a bad mental state from just existing but what about our children?"

"I don't think you should worry about it until that day comes. You never know what could happen a year or even two from now. Things could completely change. Just breathe, everything will be just fine." my sister assured me

We took deep breaths together.

"You're right." I agreed with her, "Let's just get back out there."

"Boo." Archie scared the shit out of me as he put his hands on my shoulders. "I got you good."

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face, "Someone is enjoying the open bar."

"I am, let's go slow dance with the happy couple."

I took his hand and followed him to the dance floor.

While I danced with him it reminded me of the time I met him, my first royal event, and where we were now. I began to make a list of my goals for the next twelve months.

- Redecorate our living room
- Go to barre classes more often
- Get engaged to the love of my life

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