Chapter 18

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Archie sent over a nice woman named Rachel who dressed the royal family often. She brought so many nice dresses to my house so of course, I asked a few of my friends to come over to help me pick one out.

The more dresses I tried on, the more it became obvious to me that there was a very obvious dress code. Shoulders covered, floor-length gown, no cut-outs or slit, and no crazy patterns.

I turned around in a yellow dress, "What do you think?"

"I hate it." Sydney said immediately

Emma cleared her throat, "I don't hate it, but it's very shapeless and doesn't flatter your figure."

Rachel looked at me, "I agree."

Romona shrugged, "I do like the color."

I sent a text to Peyton and she also wasn't a fan of the dress.

So it was on to the seventh one.

This one was a beautiful blue color that wasn't too deep or too light. The dress was fitted and had short sleeves. There was also a split cape on the back that was almost a train.

"I personally love this one." I looked in the mirror

Rachel nodded, "Trust me when I say this is the one you want to wear. Especially with this gorgeous dangly earrings."

She clipped the earrings on to my ear and I turned to my friends. They all nodded with approval.

"Please wear that one with nude heels. It would be gorgeous." Emma smiled as she clapped her hands together

Rachel took a few pictures and then hung the dress up for me in a protective cover. She left and Sydney made the rest of us tea.

"So are you nervous about tomorrow?" Emma questioned me, "Like that event is a huge deal."

I nodded, "I'm aware it is. I already feel as if I'm not the most liked girlfriend he's had."

Emma gave me a look, "He's a cutie, Alena, but are you sure you want to be with him? It's not like dating someone who is famous or even fiftieth in line for the throne. You're dating the future king."

"Plus British tabloids aren't like American ones. Your big scandal won't be that you killed a tree but they'll say you're responsible for global warming. Plus the fact that you're a woman of color isn't helping." Romona muttered the last sentence

"Honestly if she were white they'd love her." Emma shrugged with a small smile, "It's the sad truth."

Sydney slammed her hand down, "I told her this."

"I'm aware of all of that." I reminded them, "No one could understand the way he makes me feel. He's like the best person ever."

"Alena! It's only been what? Two months? If even. You barely know the guy." Sydney fussed

I let out a laugh, "Weren't you the one who encouraged me to get with him in the first place? Yes."

"That's before I realized the gravity of the situation." she defended herself

"You know what? I'm not arguing with you guys. If I want to date him then I will. It's my life. If the it all comes crumbling down then oh well, at least I knew it made me happy while it lasted." I said what I had to say before I left them standing right there. I wasn't about to defend my relationship because truthfully it was none of their business.

Well, he is their future king so I guess they had a small right to care but it wasn't like I had any malicious intent with Archie.

I just wanted love and to be loved.

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