Chapter 5

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My little sister and I were extremely close. Aubrey and I talked every day at nine at night my time and she would just be getting out of school.

It was so hard to tell her about this guy I'd be hanging out with but not giving her full details. I couldn't tell her that this guy was the prince because, at the end of the day, my sister had a big mouth.

Right now, this was something I wanted to keep between Archie and I. Whatever we had was still new and I just didn't want to cause any trouble.

"Amie, I can't wait for you to come home. I miss you so much." Aubrey spoke, "Plus isn't it so gloomy in London?"

"It is, but I'm having a pretty good time so far." I began, "You need to come to visit one day. London is so gorgeous and the food is good, mainly the bakeries."

"Maybe for spring break?" Aubrey suggested

I nodded, "Maybe, bring it up to Mom."

"Alright, Brie, it's getting late here." I yawned, "I'll text you when I wake up."

"I'm expecting to hear more about this Londoner in fuller detail next time." Aubrey went on, "Get some beauty rest, I'm sure that presentation wore you out today."

I let out a small laugh, "Trust me it did, nighty-night."

I ended the call and stretched out in my bed.

That presentation did wear me out, but hey, I kept the people entertained.

My phone began to buzz again and for a moment I thought it was my little sister calling again. But then I looked at the caller's ID.

"Hey." I put the phone to my ear, "You are aware of the time, right?"

"Yes, Alena, do you have work tomorrow?" Archie asked me

I sat up in bed, "I do not, why?"

"Just come outside. I know you hate surprises, but you'll love this one." Archie spoke quickly, "Don't question it, just come."

Oh my gosh.

He's crazy.

"Wait - Archie, do I need to dress up?" I jumped out of bed

"No, I'm in sweats actually. See you soon." he ended the call

I turned on the lamp and ran to the bathroom across the hall.

Late-night booty calls don't work for black girls. My hair was already in a bonnet but I refused to walk outside like this.

Especially with a member of the royal family.

Lucky for me, I just got a silk press. I brushed out my hair, threw on black sweatpants, and a Howard University sweatshirt that belonged to my Dad.

Sydney was already knocked out, she had a grandma sleep schedule on weekdays.

I slipped on furry moccasins before I went downstairs and got into the passenger seat of a Range Rover.

"You changed your hair." Archie pointed out

I nodded, "Just add water and it'll go back, but don't - I paid sixty pounds for her to straighten it."

"Archie, where the hell are you taking me?" I asked him as I looked at my phone, "It's 9:15 on a Wednesday night."

"I'll explain later." he said as he drove, "I haven't seen you since Monday, how is it going?"

I smirked, "That was literally two days ago."

"I am aware but what about your presentation? How did it go?" Archie wondered

So I told him all about my thirty slide presentation that I had forty-five minutes to give. I told him how well it went and how I basically saved Burberry's HR department.

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