Chapter 21

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Who would've thought that Archie and I would have lasted this long? A year and eight months going strong.

Of course we did but I think our family members or the press were the most surprised.

I remember going to events with him and his snooty ass cousins would make comments about Archie going through phases with girls and how they hoped I enjoyed my first and last event.


I was still here and I didn't plan on going anywhere anytime soon.

Archie and I were getting more accustomed to going back and forth to America and to London. I made an effort to visit my family every six weeks or so and Archie would come with me every now and then. He talked to my family regularly and quite honestly, he had a better relationship with my family than I did with his.

Don't get me wrong, his sisters really liked me. It was just his Dad and step-mom who were assessed at times.

I didn't feel too bad about it because the King was an ass to Archie too and apparently had always been to him.

And then there was the press.

I really tried my best to ignore it but it just got so hard at times and took a toll on my mental health but I loved that man so much that I just pushed everything back.

Moving to London was one of the best things that could have happened to me. I was growing as a person, I was making more friends, I loved my job, I fell in love, everything wasn't too shabby.

"I feel like magenta will be the color of next season." I suggested to David as we were in his office sipping on tea

David flipped around in the scrapbook, "That might look decent with a mustard yellow."

I nodded, "Exactly or an orange and this plaid."

"I would love that on a blazer and make it two-toned, good eye my friend." David complimented me, "I would love to dress you in something like that for a royal event."

"Well, I'm already known for mixing things up so why not?" I agreed to David's plan

He closed the scrapbook, "Listen, Alena, I hope you don't let the press get to you. This country was founded by white conservative men and unfortunately, their ideals still live today. All that should matter is that you love Archie and he loves you."

I gave David a small smile, "Thank you, it's nice to hear someone say that."

"Of course, I care about you and I know it can't be easy in your position." he went on

"Oh it's definitely not but I'm making it work." I took a deep breath, "He's worth it."

"I figured, it's almost been two years huh?" David asked me

I nodded my head again, "Yeah, time flies."

"Have you thought what it would be like?" he questioned me

I raised an eyebrow, "What would be like?"

He looked at me as if I were dumb, "The wedding! It would only be the biggest wedding of the century."

I shrugged, "I mean it's crossed my mind before but never in great detail. I know as the days go on and on the higher chance that I'll have a ring on my left finger."

"But I'd think if we were to get married I'd do the whole traditional wedding here but then have another one back home in California where everything would be laxer. Maybe a sexier dress, more bridesmaids, maybe on the beach? Who knows right now." I continued

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