Chapter 23

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*Archie's POV*

Coming back from warm, sunny Florida to dreary England wasn't very enjoyable. But the bigger news in England was the fact that I was taking legal action against The Galaxy.

I don't know why it came as surprise as if they hadn't been publishing false stories after a false story. I was just nervous to talk to my Dad about everything.

"You look tan." Alexandra commented as I got out of my car

"That's what happens when you go to Florida and spend time in the sun." I said back to my little sister, "You'll understand next year. Are you nervous?"

Alexandra decided and finally convinced my Dad to let her go to college in California. Aubrey was going to be her roommate and they were both going to UCLA in the fall. I was so excited for her. She deserved to live somewhere outside of this world and grow as a person.

Alex shrugged, "Not really, I'm ready for something new. I don't think there's anything left for me here. Realistically I'm not ever going to be queen, so I might as well start a new life for myself and not live off of other peoples' money."

I patted her shoulder, "You're going to do great thing, Ali."

She smiled, "Thanks Arch. What are you doing here?"

"I have to talk to Dad about some things so wish me luck." I made my eyes big

My sister made a face, "Have fun with that."

I walked upstairs to my Dad's study where he was sitting at his desk reading something.

He looked up, "Nice to see you again, son."

I sat down in a chair in front of his desk, "Nice to see you. We have lots to talk about, don't we?"

My father nodded, "Indeed we do."

"Is she here or in the states?" he began

"She's in Hawaii with her family right now for their annual vacation."I answered his question, "I'm sure you've heard about the lawsuit."

My Father took off his reading glasses, "I think you have a pretty strong case. You've always had a big heart and I knew that something like this was coming."

"I know when you first started this relationship, we didn't start off on the right foot. I wanted to apologize for that. I know I'm a little stuck in my old ways but I'm learning, Archibald. I want to be there for you and I know I wasn't in the past but I want to change our future." my Dad finally began

Everything he was saying kind of took me by surprise. My whole life my Dad had been a stubborn ass but now he was deciding to turn all of that around when he was basically sixty.

"I just wanted to ask you what made you want to change?" I asked him

"Well, I found some of your Mom's old scrapbooks that she did when you all were babies. I was reading your's and she just wrote some insightful stuff about you. I know I was so hard on you, I still am." he explained to me, "Then after that, I started thinking. Alena makes you a different man. I see a difference in you and all I really want for you is to be happy at the end of the day. I'm going to support you to the end, son."

I gave him a small smile, "You know you've been doing a great job lately. I'm happy you're letting Alexandra go and figure stuff out on her own. And now this."

"I'm sorry it took me so long." my Dad apologized, "Let's just do better going forward."

My Dad cleared his throat, "But I do want to bring up something. Do you remember almost two years ago, I told you that you had a year and half? We're a little over that now."

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