Chapter 33

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My first birthday as a wife and a royal.

But above all, it was my last birthday before I was officially a Mom.

Archie and I didn't do anything in particular that was 'wild' but we went to Paris for three days just to relax. It was always nice just to explore the streets of such a beautiful city.

I looked in the mirror as Archie laid in bed, "I can't wait to start showing but at the same time I can. I just like that the baby is our little secret right now."

So far my pregnancy was pregnancy.

I had terrible morning sickness, I always had a sweet tooth, some smells made my stomach do backflips, but I was happy to have a little bundle of joy on the way

"Everyone is going to be so shocked at Christmas." Archie spoke as I climbed into bed, "I wonder if anyone noticed that you didn't have your glass of wine at Thanksgiving."

"Probably but I was also recovering from a concussion." I reminded him

I turned to him, "What do you think it is?"

He shrugged, "I don't know and you know I hate guessing wrong."

I smiled and nodded, "I know. What do you want?"

"The cliché answer would be 'I just want them to be healthy' and that is true. But to be truthful, I want a girl." Archie looked me in the eyes with a soft smile on his face

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity

He began to stroke my thigh, "I mean there hasn't been a lot of Queens in history and I feel like the country changed more for the better with my grandmother than with my dad or at a quicker pace I should say. Plus in a way, I feel like it would be having a piece of my Mom. It's just one of those things."

"That's cute." I gave him a light kiss, "The t-shirts came in with everyone's titles on it, we just have to make sure they open them at the same time. Or maybe one person opens it so it doesn't look too obvious."

"I like the second idea more, it's less suspicious." Archie agreed with me

I had a huge grin on my face, "I can't wait to tell them."

For Christmas, my family ended up flying into London. It was our first Christmas as a married couple and it was nice to spend it with both of our families.

We decided to all celebrate together on Christmas Eve at Buckingham Palace that had over ten Christmas trees up. But we were all gathered in the White Drawing Room with Christmas music playing and ripping open presents.

Archie and I kept eyeing to see who would open the box with silver metallic wrapping paper.

"I love these shoes, Archie! You have an amazing taste." my Mom held up her new flame red Christian Louboutins

He put down his cup of tea, "I figured you'd like them."

I touched his arm as I noticed Alexandra began to open the box.

She opened the box that had 'See you in July' written on the inside and a mug that read 'Aunt Alexandra'.

I watched her jaw drop and then she shrieked.

Her eyes went over to Archie and I, "Are you guys serious?"

Everyone else looked confused and began to frantically scramble to the same box they all had. We watched as everyone read their cups that ranged from Grandpa Winston/Simon, Grandma Ruth, and more.

"Surprise!" Archie exclaimed as he popped the confetti he had hidden in the couch. Everyone began to try to figure out the color of the confetti, "Oh, no, we don't know yet. It's just silver."

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