Chapter 26

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I'd never been so nervous to go to Buckingham Palace. This visit was a big deal.

I had on a simple blue dress for the big occasion. It was a long-sleeved skater dress that tied in the front. It hit right above my knee and I hoped that was modest enough.

"Arch can you zip this up?" I asked as I walked into his closet. He was trying to figure out which tie to wear.

"I like the sapphire blue one." I pointed out to him

He zipped up my dress, "I was thinking the same thing. Are you nervous?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. It's an important lunch with a lot of people." I reminded myself

He rubbed my arms, "It's gonna go smoothly."

I kissed his cheek, "Hopefully. Ok, I gotta go finish my makeup"

I walked back to my bathroom and put on some light, natural makeup. I put on some simple diamond studs, slipped on some black closed-toed heels, and sprayed on my favorite Chloé perfume.

We got in Archie's car and started the drive to the palace.

Archie held my hand as he drove, "The engagement hits the news tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know."

"I figured it was coming sooner or later." I said in response, "When is the interview?"

"I'm not too sure, they're telling us all of that today. I just know things are gonna get busy." Archie spoke

I took a deep breath, "Yeah. Is your Dad the only one that knows?"

He nodded, "Yup unless Aubrey told Alex."

"I don't think she did but then again you never know." I responded as we pulled up to security. They knew who we were immediately and let us in.

Archie took my hand and we walked into one of the many staterooms. At the table was Archie's sisters, his grandfather, his Dad and Ruth, and some people I didn't recognize. Everyone's head turned towards us as we entered the room.

"Well if it isn't the happy couple." Winston began as he motioned towards the two chairs for us, "Please sit."

Archie pulled out my chair, I sat down, and then he sat to my left.

"Well, what are we here for?" Matilda asked us as the caters began to serve the first course which was some sort of salad

I noticed that the king was looking at Archie and Archie was looking at me.

Archie held up my left hand, "We got engaged last night around the twenty-three hundred-hour."

All of his sisters immediately shrieked and began clapping their hands.

"Congratulations!" Victoria exclaimed, "Can we see the ring?"

I held out my left hand as they began to examine the ring.

"It's made out of Mom's sapphire and the center stone is from one of her favorite rings." Archie explained to his sisters, "Does it just look amazing on her?"

"It is gorgeous." Alexandra agreed with her brother, "When's the big day?"

Winston cleared his throat as I put my hand down.

"Archie, Alena meet the board. They will help with the planning of the wedding from the flowers to the dress but today we're discussing the date, taking engagement pictures, all of that jazz. I've notified the prime minister of your engagement but he isn't saying anything until we do. So we need a picture as soon as possible." he gave us the rundown

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