Chapter 12

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For the longest amount of time, my best friend's boyfriend would always tease me that I would marry a prince since I was moving to Europe. I never took him seriously and then I met Archie.

 Needless to say, the moment we met up that night, he just kept giving me the 'i told you so look'. But he never treated him like a prim, proper prince and neither did my best friend, Peyton. They treated him like they'd treat anyone else.

We had an amazing time clubbing, bar hopping, and showing Archie around the city. The best part was that no news story got out.

I fumbled for my phone and looked at the time 3:35 in the afternoon and I was just waking up. I rolled over and looked at Archie who was still asleep.

It was safe to say that we partied too hard last night, we didn't even make it back to the hotel until 6:45 in the morning.

"Today is the day." he murmured as he stretched.

I nodded my head, "Are you nervous?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't." Archie answered my question, "How do you think they're going to react?"

"I think Aubrey will realize who you are before anyone else." I thought about my sixteen-year-old sister who loved pop culture and royal weddings. "Her reaction will be interesting."

I got out of the bed and opened up the curtains. 

"Rise and fucking shine." I faced Archie, "I'm going to go shower and get ready. You should go get some snacks for us."

"Sure thing princess." Archie responded before I walked into the bathroom. Princess had a nice ring to it.

I took a shower, wrapped myself in a robe, and walked out to see Archie eating wings and cheese fries.

"This is a snack?" I asked as I grabbed a wing

"Appetizers, snack, meal, food." Archie spoke, "Took you long enough to get out of the shower."

I looked at the clock, "Thirty minutes isn't even that long. I still have to do my makeup."

"You are beautiful without it." Archie reminded me, "I'm sure you know that already though."

I sat down and started doing my makeup, "Yes, but it's reassuring to hear it from others."

"I'm gonna go shower and try to calm myself the hell down. I'm bloody nervous." Archie jittered

"Don't be, I wouldn't bring you home if I knew they wouldn't like you." I assured him

I turned around in my chair to face him. Archie did look so nervous, I'd never seen him so flustered. 

He ran his hands through his hair, "They could like me but they also could not like me."

"The royal aspect?" I questioned him

Archie nodded, "I don't want to think about it right now. They can lay it all on me when we get to that bridge."

"Calm down, it'll all be ok." I turned back around

He sighed loudly, "I'll try."

I did my makeup as he took a shower. My mom was texting me about all of the food she was making and how she was so excited to meet this boy. The more I thought about it, the more I got nervous.

Archie was the first guy I cared about after my four-year-long relationship. I'd been single for a while but this was still a big deal. He was also a big public figure, but there was also this small superficial thing - he was white.

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