Chapter 4

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I have a personal belief that no matter where an American is, they will find a Starbucks.

Yes, I did move 5,000 miles away to a new country with thousands of coffee and tea shops yet I still found myself in a Starbucks.

What could I say? It felt like home and long college nights.

It was still nice to go sit by a window, catch up on work, and sip coffee out of a cup that had my misspelled name on it.

I had to admit getting engaging slides ready for an HR presentation was harder than it seemed.

I wanted to call my Mom but it was three in the morning in Los Angeles. Even though usually never got homesick, I was starting to.

Somehow being two thousand miles away was completely different than being five thousand miles away.

New York was a quick walk down the path, London was across the pond.

But my trip in October would be here soon enough and then before I knew it Christmas would be here. I just had to keep trucking.

I really did enjoy my job though. I could have been working a 9 to 5 in some cubicle but I had an amazing job in a beautiful city with amazing hours.

That was something to be grateful for.

I watched as someone slid into the seat in front of me.

My heart stopped as I looked at the man with a beanie, a mustache, and sunglasses. It was seventy degrees outside with an overcast never mind that, who the hell is this?

I lowered my laptop screen, "Can I help you?"

"I should have known you would have ended up in a Starbucks of all places." the posh accent started, "So American of you."

I put my hand over my heart, "You scared me to death."

Archie took his sunglasses on, "Pretty good, innit?"

"Why do you have that on?" I asked him as I closed my computer screen all of the way

"I had to go meet with my father at Buckingham. I wanted a coffee and to go on a walk. I was going to this local place down the street. Then I looked into the window and saw you." he explained to me

I rested my chin in my hand, "I guess people like you can't roam the streets like the rest of us."

He shook his head, "Not quite. Whatcha working on?"

"I just finished a presentation for work. I've been here since eight." I looked at my watch, "It's a pretty good presentation."

"That's lovely, proud of you." Archie complimented me, "So you're free for the rest of the day?"

I nodded my head, "Why?"

"I want to take you on a tour of London, my way. Of course, we won't see everything today but we can start somewhere." Archie answered my question

I slipped my laptop into my backpack, "So I have to walk around with you looking like that?"

"Yes." Archie plainly stated, "Or I could call bodyguards and draw attention to us."

"Fair point." I leaned back in my chair, "Alright, let's do it."

Archie pulled out his car keys, "Let's go."

Oh my Gosh, my life was turning into the real-life 'The Prince and Me'.

Archie led me to his Range rover that was parked down the street. He opened up the door for me and I got in.

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