Chapter 11

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*Archie's POV*

Coming back from a tour to halfway across the world to pack for another trip was normally exhausting, but this time I was excited. I couldn't wait to go to California with Alena and do whatever she had planned.

There were worries than ran through my mind like what if she wanted me to meet her family and they didn't like me? What if the press followed us? What if she figured out she didn't like me?

So many worries.

"Where are you going now son?" my Dad asked me

I looked up from packing, "I'm going to California for a week, I told you this a month ago and requested it off."

He gave me a look, "Please do not tell me that you're going with that girl."

"Well, then I don't have anything to say to you." I retorted

My Dad smacked his lips, "Archibald, do you actually have feelings for that girl?"

"First of all 'that girl' has a name, it's Alena, and I do have feelings for her." I looked him in the eyes, "This isn't some temporary thing. At the end of your little timeline for me, I would totally ask her to marry me."

He squinted his eyes, "You're going to destroy the lineage, wake the bloody hell up, Archibald."

I threw a shirt down, "How in the hell would I do that? She's a graduate of an ivy league school, has a real job, and is an amazing person."

"You know what I mean." his face looked flush, "Some are not meant to carry the name that we have."

I rubbed my temple, "This has got to be a joke. You're saying this because she's Black?"

"We have to follow tradition, Archibald!" he yelled at me

I paced back and forth, "Fuck tradition, that's why everyone looks down on this family now. You don't do shit just like everyone else before you. I want shit to get done around here -."

"Shit won't happen if you have a colored wife and kids!" My Dad interrupted me

My jaw dropped, "It is the twenty-first century, I cannot believe you just said that. Mom is probably rolling in her grave right now."

I threw some random shit into the suitcase and zipped it up, "I really hope that you can grow and mature despite the fact that you're nearly sixty years old."

My blood was boiling as I drove. I'd never heard him talk like that before. I wanted to kill him, I wanted him to abdicate, how could he even be king and think like that?

Hearing him say shit like really blew my good mood, but the moment I saw her face, all my worries went away.

I got out and the car to grab her luggage.

She looked at me and smiled, "Hey there, stranger! How was New Zealand?"

Alena wrapped her arms around me and I did the same to her. My heart began to speed up and skip a beat.

"It was beautiful and the people were lovely." I answered her question, "Just not as quite as lovely as you."

She pulled out of the hug and looked at me with a smile. 

"You look tired, but luckily you have an eleven-hour flight to sleep." Alena pointed out

I picked up her luggage, "I landed back here at eight, took a quick nap, packed, and now I'm here."

"I'm fine though. The pilot said we should land around 6:50 pm Los Angeles time." I closed the trunk and opened the passenger's door for her

Alena got into the car, "That time change is about to be killer."

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