Chapter 20

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Christmas was my favorite holiday hands down. Even if Archie and I weren't going to be together when it was officially Christmas, doing our own thing worked too.

After all his whole family was about to meet my family. It was a big step for us.

"What's your favorite Christmas movie?" I asked Archie as we cut out our cookies

"Hmm, probably 'Home Alone'. What's your's?" Archie asked me

I laid out the angel on the cookie sheet, "' The Santa Clause' for sure. I used to watch it all the time when I was young."

"Honestly, I don't think I've seen that one." Archie admitted

My jaw dropped as I turned to him, "We're most definitely watching it tonight."

Archie kissed my cheek, "I'm quite excited."

I looked out of the window as Archie put the cookies in the oven, "Arch, it's snowing."

He came behind me and looked out the window, "Awe, it's your first white Christmas. Were you one of those kids that woke up at four in the morning to open presents?"

I nodded, "I actually was."

Archie wrapped his arms around my waist, "I just knew it. I was that kid that you had to drag out of bed because I loved getting sleep."

He sighed, "Guess we're going to have to hope our children take after me then."

I laughed, "Now I hope they bother the hell out of you."

Then it hit me, "Where would we even spend Christmas?"

Archie moved his hands from my waist to shoulders, "Don't worry about that right now. We're still like five years out."

"Oh so you want my offspring?" I smirked as I walked off to clean the kitchen

"Damn right. We'd have the most gorgeous children." Archie smiled off into space

I liked how right it felt to talk about this with him. It was very reassuring that he actually saw a future with me.

He looked up at me, "This life isn't easy, you know? There's always someone watching, always waiting for you to make the wrong move. It's positively exhausting. Sometimes it scares me to think about bringing a little human into the mix but all I ever wanted to be was a Father." 

I leaned against the counter, "Like you said, don't worry about that right now."

Archie nodded, "You're right."

I grabbed my purse, "So Sydney and I went to the markets and I decided to get us something."

"A present for the both of us? Interesting." Archie walked closer to me. I pulled out the gift that was covered with gift tissue paper.

It was a wood ornament with 3D snowflakes going around in a circle. Engraved in the middle was 'Archie & Alena's First Christmas'. 

"Isn't it pretty?" I looked up at him. He took it from my hands gently and looked at it.

"I love it, let's put it on the tree." Archie took my hand and led me to the Christmas tree that was in his living room, "Right in the center."

Archie put his arm around me, "It's going to be so much fun to watch the collection grow over the years."

I smiled, "You make me so happy. I'm kinda sad we won't be together for the real Christmas."

"That reminds me, I want my bodyguard to go with you on the plane and through the airport until you're with your family." Archie brought up, "He'll be discrete, I just want you to be safe,"

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