Wow, I'm Not Crazy

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The scene starts as Mikey cowers in fear away from the TV. IT plays, Raph hides the fact that he is scared, too.

Leo and Donnie smiled at it, laughing at Pennywise, before he eats Georgie's arm off.

The scene shifts, showing the four brothers at the island table in their kitchen. April and Casey are there, along with Mona Lisa, Renet, Shinigami, and Karai.

Mikey tries not to show his discomfort around the crowd.

The scene shifts yet again. It shows Master Splinter praising the boys. He loved their differences. He loved his sons.

Again, the scene moves. It's Raph yelling at Mikey. He shrinks away from his older brother.

When the scene moves again, Mikey is standing in the middle of the living room. Music envelops him. He sighs deeply. But before he can say anything, he hears Raph in his room.

He's talking to Mona Lisa. Explaining how he wasn't in love with her. She accepted his feelings. She said it was fine, and that they should continue being friends. When Raph walks out, he smiles at Mikey.

It flashes back to Mikey and Raph holding each other during the scary movie.

Mikey starts to sing.

"Frankly, I'm scared of clowns..."

Again it shows Mikey, trying not to vomit as the kitchen is flooded with people. It makes him queezy.

"And get-togethers get me down..."

Raph and Mikey are now talking, but you can only see their mouths moving. And then they laugh.

"But when you talk it's like..."

You hear Mikey say: "Wow, I'm not crazy."

Somewhere in the distance, people sing, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..."

It shows Mikey and Raph mad at each other. Mikey cowers away.

"Don't kill me, 'cause I'm just the messenger..."

Flashes of Mikey in Donnie's lab showed.

"I already went and took my temperature... And I'm not sick, I took all my vitamins... Yeah, I'm not sick, I'm just kind of different..."

Splinter is smiling as Mikey tells a joke to his family.

"Oh, different, so different... They tell us to be different..."

Now it shows the turtles in a Kraang lab in TCRI. The boys are yelling at Mikey, because he did something wrong.

"But no one told me I could go too far..."

In the distance, someone sings, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."

Mikey is standing in the living room again. He's alone, he smiles.

"Frankly, I'm scared of clowns, and get-togethers get me down, but when you talk it's like: 'Wow, I'm not crazy'..."


"Frankly, I feel insane, but you say you feel the same..."

It shows Raph and Mikey talking again. Raph nods along with what his youngest brother is saying.

"And suddenly, it's like:"

Mikey jumps up and yells, "Hey, I'm not crazy!"

" 'Cause when you talk it's like: 'Wow, I'm not crazy..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..."

Mikey is standing proudly, although, he knows what he's singing is different. It just feels right. No one is around as he belts out:

"Don't kill me, 'cause I'm just the messenger, I've never seen someone quite this strange before..."

He thinks of Raph and jumps onto the couch.

"You're just like me, you took all you vitamins, you're just like me, you take delight in it..."

Mikey smiles wider.

"Oh, different, so different, they tell us to be different, but no one told me I could go too far..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..."

"Frankly, I'm scared of clowns, and get-togethers get me down, but when you talk it's like: 'Wow, I'm not crazy'..."


"Frankly, I feel insane, but you say you feel the same, and suddenly it's like: 'Hey, I'm not crazy!' 'Cause when you talk it's like: 'Wow, I'm not crazy'..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..."

As Mikey jumps off the couch and goes into the kitchen to be with his brothers, Raph wraps an arm around him and the song continues.

"When you talk it's like, 'Wow!', When you talk it's like, 'Wow!', When you talk it's like, 'Wow!', When you talk it's like, 'Wow!', When you talk it's like, 'Wow!', When you talk it's like, 'Wow!'..."


Mikey begins to sing again, his brothers look at him with smiles.

"I'm scared if clowns..."

Raph wraps an arm around Mikey's waist.

"And get-togethers get me down, but when you talk it's like, 'Wow!'..."

Raph kissed Mikey. He pulled away with wide eyes, then it turned into a smile.

"I'm not crazy."

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