Don't Throw Out My Legos

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Raphael stared out at the city. Thinking over the day...

Mikey sings, although, he isn't there. "My new address is hard to remember, so I wrote it on the back of my hand, 'cause I leave the nest this coming december..."

Raph started to sing, Mikey's voice disappearing. "To make it as a grown man, I'm about to lose my only defenders, I'm packing up whatever I can..."

Thoughts of earlier that day plague his mind. Leo and Donnie are trying to pack up Mikey's old toys. The Legos catch Raph's eye.

Raph continues to sing. "Been waiting for today but, all I can think to say is..."

Raph stops them from throwing out the Legos.

Mikey sings. "Oh no, don't throw out my Legos..."

"What if I can't let go..." Raph sings.

"What if I come back home, back home..." Mikey finishes. "Oh no, don't throw out my Legos..."

"What if I can't let go..." Raph looks up at the inky black night sky.

"What if I come back home, back home..."

Mikey and Raph both sing. "Can we keep my Legos at home? 'Cause I wanna move out..."

"I don't wanna move on..." Raph wipes a tear away angrily.

Mikey picks up the song again. "People want shirts with the band name on it, and suddenly we ain't so bad..." It shows Raph pushing Mikey's shirt away. He didn't want that. He pulled the Legos toward him. "Saved up enough to rent an apartment, far away from mom and dad..."

"My Christmas card looks like a mugshot, 'cause suddenly I'm getting sad..." Raph folds his arms on his chest. "Been waiting for today but, all I can think to say is..."

Mikey's voice is there again. "Oh no, don't throw out my Legos..."

"What if I can't let go..."

"What if I come back home, back home, oh no, don't throw out my Legos..."

"What if I can't let go..."

"What if I come back home, back home..." Mikey's voice rings out, although he still isn't there. Raph looks broken.

They both sing. "Can we keep my Legos at home, 'cause I wanna move out..."

"I don't wanna move on..." Raph tore off his mask.

"Can we keep my Legos at home, 'cause I wanna move out..."

"I don't wanna move on..."

Leo and Donnie find Raph. They tug on him, seeing his red, watery eyes. They sing, "It's cold out there, you're standing there, you're trying to face your greatest fear, you're shivering, you're trembling..." They sigh. "It's warm in here so come back in..."

Raph, bawling, wrapped his arms around them. As he cried, Mikey sang once again. "Oh no, don't throw out my Legos..."

"What if I can't let go..." Raph sniffled.

"What if I come back home, back home... Oh no, don't throw out my Legos..."

"What if I can't let go..." Leo whispered, tears dripping down his face.

"What if I come back home, back home... Oh no, don't throw out my Legos..."

"What if I can't let go..." Donnie choked out.

"What if I come back home, back home... Oh, no, I'll come back home when I'm grown..."

"It won't be the same though..." Raph screamed into the night air.

"I can't even go home, go home..." Mikey sang, his voice disappearing for good.

The three remaining turtles cried and sang, "Can we keep my Legos at home? 'Cause I wanna move out..."

"I don't wanna move on..." Raph ended.

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