Halloween Special

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The Nightmare Before Christmas played as the teenage mutant turtles sat on their couch and watched.

Tonight was a special night... Tonight was Halloween. It was something Mikey wanted to be a part of so badly... But they had to ask Master Splinter first.

"My sons." His voice sounded from behind them. "I will allow you all to go trick or treating... On one condition."

Leo nodded. "Of course, Sensei."

"You stay together. I do not care whether you decide to go into 2 groups, but 2 of you must stay together and meet back somewhere in however many hours you choose."

"Hai Sensei." The brothers responded in unison.

Raph looked at Mikey with a sly expression. "So, little brother, what are we dressing up as?"

"Turflytle and his side kick, Maggot Boy!" He pointed at Raph with a smirk.

"Wait. I thought we were gonna be Frankenstein and his wife?" Raph was confused.

Mikey chuckled. "I was kidding, but I just remembered.... I never actually tried on that dress..."

Raph smiled. "It's okay, I'm sure it'll be fine."


"That is totally not fine." Leo said, looking at Mikey.

Mikey was swimming in it. "And I thought it was gonna be tight." He smirked. "What am I gonna do?"

Leo scratched his chin. "I have no idea... I could pin it. Or... Pffff I dunno. You could wear a sweatshirt under it? That might help."

"Put a watermelon in there." Raph replied, smiling cheesily.

"Uh. Sweatshirt and pins?" Mikey asked.

Leo sighed. "Okay, lets do this."


Raph stared at his 'wife'. And how was he supposed to not like him? He looked over at Leo and Donnie, they were also wearing a couples costume. Leo was a hogwarts witch, and Don was a wizard. Leo from Gryffindor, and Donnie from Ravenclaw.

"Awe yeah, boi!" Mikey shouted, balancing a fake pumpkin on his head. "I'm Frankenstein's wife, y'all better watch out!"

Everyone laughed and left for the topside. Leo smiled. "Alright, I'm with Don, Raph and Mikey, you're together. Got it? Good. Bye!" He took Donnie's hand and left.

"Is it just me, or do they seem..."

"Like they're together?" Mikey finished. "Yeah, man. Don't tell 'em I told you, but they are, dude!"

Raph didn't flinch. "Well, in that case." He chuckled and smiled at Mikey. "They were willing to do a couple's costume... Then you were with me. Wanna tell me why?"


Raph smirked and started towards a house.



Halloween was a blast for all of the brothers, although, when they met back up with Leo and Donnie, they were red in the face, and Leo's wig was falling off...

"How was it, my sons?"

"Sensei, dude! It was like, totally rad!" Mikey was overly excited. He embraced him. "Thank you, sensei."

"Of course, Michelangelo."

Later that night, Raph was sneaking towards Mikey's room when he saw Leo. He watched as Leo snuck into Donnie's room, and the night owls lights turned off.

"Ew." Raph muttered and knocked lightly on Mikey's door.

The door flung open, revealing a happy turtle who seemed really awake for such an hour. "Raph!" He whisper shouted.

Raph smiled. "Hey-"

"What're you doing here?"


"Raph, you should know... I like you like Leo likes Donnie. Does that make sense? Sorry if I'm being too open." He shrugged.

"Uh..." Raph's face was redder than his mask. "I like you too."

Mikey smiled. "I know." He shut his door and went back to bed.

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