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"What're you talking about?" April raised an eyebrow at Donnie.

"Alternate dimensions." He had a smile plastered on his face. "We've already met our 80's counterparts, but... There are so many other... Us-es!"

April nodded. "Yeah, okay, but what're you saying? Do you want us to travel through dimensions and-"

"Yes!" Don shouted, his gap tooth whistling slightly with the 's'.

Upon hearing the ruckus, Leo walked into the lab. "What's going-"

"Donnie wants everyone to travel through different dimensions because... Well I dunno why." April informed him.

Donnie frowned. "It'd be awesome, that's why."

Leo nodded, intrigued. "I actually think that'd be a great idea."

April just shook her head. "Whatever."


"Shell yeah!" Mikey shouted. "Bros this is gonna be awesomest adventure yet! Awe Raphie! Can you believe it?"

Raph just looked up from his comic briefly at his ecstatic brother. "Yeah it's gonna be..." He paused looking for a word Mikey would use. "Rad."

"Awe yeah boy! Totally rad, my dudes!" Mikey jumped up and down.

Raph smiled behind his comic.


"The first dimension is..." Donnie messed with the controller. "This one!"

Everyone hopped through. This dimension, they ended up in an apartment.

"Mikey dear? Is that you?" An older lady's voice called.

Mikey panicked. "Uh! Yeah, be down in a sec!"

Donnie glared at him and Raph thwapped him behind the head.

Mikey stuck his tongue out.

"Are your friends there?"


"Well, probably not. Your boyfriend, Raph? He said he was coming over."

Mikey froze. So did everyone else.

Your boyfriend, Raph...

"Okay! Just, hang on!" Another Mikey, a human Mikey. He turned and looked at the turtles. And surprisingly, he didn't freak. He started to whisper. "You." He pointed at Mikey. "Don't talk to my Gram Gram in my voice, got it?"

"Sorry... Uh-"

"We're from another dimension! Mikey here is you!" Donnie smiled triumphantly.

"No dip!" The human Mikey hissed. "Stay here. Raph and all my friends are coming over. I'll bring them up."

He left. Mikey just sat slowly on his counterparts bed. "He... I... We? Dating... Raph..."

Raph just looked at him. "Lot to take in, bud."

Mikey nodded.


"Bye Grammie! We're all gonna go to my room!"

"Okay sweetheart!"

The humans made their way to Mikey's room, already ready for what was behind that door.

"Holy sh-"

Donnie cut Raph off. "Wow! How amazing! How can 4 turtles become human sized?"

"Like Zootopia!" Mikey smiled.

Donnie looked at Mikey, then the turtles. "Is it like Zootopia?"

"What's Zootopia?" Turtle Leo asked.

Human Leo choked on his spit and Mikey's eyes widened. "Did you just ask what Zootopia is?"

Turtle Donnie shook his head. "Nope. Pretty sure in our world, we have completely different shows. Leo here watches Space Heroes. Mikey likes Crognard the Barbarian, and we all watched Super Mega Robo Tech Force Five."

"Um. I watch Star Trek, the animated series." Human Leo replied.

"I watch He-man." Mikey added.

"We all watched the original Voltron." Raph nodded. Mikey grabbed his hand and smiled.

"Yeah! That was pretty rad."

"Did it parallel your life?" Turtle Mikey asked, very intrigued.

"Uh..." The humans glamced at each other. "No?" Leo answered.

Donnie hummed. "Well, I guess we should introduce ourselves. I'm Donatello. I'm the smart one."

"Michelangelo." Turtle Mikey stood and bowed.

Raph scoffed, trying hide his blush. "Raphael."

"And I'm Leonardo. The leader of our ninja group."

April was also there, she was still staring at the human Donnie. She couldn't believe he could be so cute...

"Um. April?" Leonardo poked her.

"Uh! Yeah! That's me!" She giggled nervously, and blushed.

Donatello frowned. "You okay?"

"Fine." She muttered, and glanced at Donnie again.

"We're Leo." Leo gestured to himself. "Donnie, Raph and Mikey. And is that enough so no one gets confused?"

Michelangelo and Mikey nodded. "Totally dude." They replied in unison.

"So..." Raphael was blushing. "Mikey and Raph are together?"

"Oh yeah!" Mikey smiled. Raph grabbed his hand and squeezed.

"Is it weird?" Michelangelo asked.

"Why would it be weird?" Raph asked, confused.

"Well... Aren't you brothers?"

All the human turtles in the room just stared in shock. "You're... You're brothers?" Leo asked.

"Mm." Leonardo nodded.

"Well, we're only friends. Mikey and Raph are together, and Leo and I are together." Donnie shrugged.

April stopped him. "Whoa. Wait. You're gay too?"


"God dammit." She shook her head.

"What?" Donnie was confused.

Donatello's mouth hung open. "You-you like my human counterpart and not me?! That's... Terrible! And not even because you like my personality! You want me to be human, so than you can be with me! That's... That's!" Donatello started to get emotional.

Leonardo consoled him amd glared at April. "Seriously?"

April flushed, embarrassed with herself. "Y'know I thought it wouldn't matter as much... You do like Leonardo."


"Come on, you all like each other." April said flatly.

Raphael just nodded.

The humans were confused, but they let them continue anyway. Mikey figured they need to come to terms with their feelings... Even if they were considered brothers.


They were back home.

Donnie put away the dimension thing.

Raph and Mikey were talking to each other quietly.

Leo found Donnie and they talked.

April left. She decided to go home.

It was then that they all accepted one another's feelings... And because of that, they started another beautiful chapter in their lives.

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