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Okay super SUPER DUPER sorry, my guys. I won't be writing anymore oneshots for this... 😥

The reason?

I have a brand new Oneshots book!

I have a brand new Oneshots book!

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It looks like this ^

As you can see, I have LOTS of fanart on the cover!!

Here's the thing, my beautiful people, this book is for any request that you have!! 😊

Read the description, please, there are a crap ton of things you need to know first!

But if you really want some more Raphangelo or Leotello oneshots... It's the place to go, my guys

I do apologize for not having updated this, though, but just remember, I can always do a request on my Oneshots book 💚


Please, though, I will do any request

(Unless it's something really really disgusting or bad, I'll let you know that I don't wanna do it)

Anywhozies, thanks for sticking with me through this guy, maybe you'll wanna continue with me through the other?

And here's the thing, it's a Oneshots book for anything! I probably won't ever stop adding stuff to it for... Years

So, go take a look please!!! It would mean a lot to me, and if you requested something? BONUS

Whenever you request, you will be tagged, and advertised at the very beginning of your request, and I will try my hardest to make the chapter into something that you may like. If I really like the idea, there might even be a part 2!!

And guys, by anything, I mean anything. Any ship, and fandom, for real.

I have a chapter for Mordecai and Twilight for Pete's sake!

(It was my doing of course, a friend of mine showed to me and I was like, AH HECK YES THAT'S GONNA BE A FANFIC FOR MY NEW BOOK, so yeah)

Just please check it out?

Stay healthy folks 💚💚💚

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