Dear Winter

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Raphael pursed his lips at his drawing. It was of himself and Mikey.

It was mediocre in his opinion. He sighed heavily and flopped back on his bed.

"Well, this is boring." He muttered. Then he reached over, switched off his lights and tried to sleep. Instead, his mind made up random scenarios in his head.

What if... One day... Raph had a kid?

What would he name them? He decided he really liked the name... Winter...

Music began around him...

Raph sighed heavily. "Dear Winter, I hope you like your name... I hope they don't make fun of you when you grow up and go to school, okay? 'Cause Winter is a badass name..."

Raph smirked.

"Dear Winter, I hope you talk to girls, or boys or anyone you like... I just hope you don't stay in every night, 'cause I wish I was out tonight..."

Raph did frown slightly at this. If only Leo hadn't gotten so pissed at him, he would be out on patrol with everyone else.

Someone far off sings, "Ah-ah-ah-ahhh..."

"It really doesn't seem like there's anyone for me... But dear Winter, I hope you like your name, I'm hoping that someday, I can meet you on this Earth... But shit, I gotta meet your mom first..."

Raph chuckled and continued on.

"Dear Winter, I hope you like this song, and even when you're thirteen and you scream at me for parenting you wrong... I hope it's still a badass song..."


"It really doesn't seem like there's anyone for me, but dear Winter, I hope you like your name... You know I cannot wait to teach you how to curse, but shit... I gotta meet your mom first..."

Raph smiled even wider, laughing slightly.

"Dear Winter, don't move too far away... And please don't say I'm hovering, when I text you to ask about your day... I wanna hear about your day..."


"Will we still hang out and talk when I'm no longer in charge? Oh, dear Winter, I hope you like your name... I hope you let me take a shot with you on your twenty-first... But shit, you gotta ask your mom first..."

Raph's smile fades slightly as he begins his last verses.

"Dear Winter, I'm looking for your mom... I gotta find a girl that doesn't mind that I'm inside my head a lot... Winter, it won't be too long... First, I just gotta find your mom..."

Raphael sat up in his bed, upon hearing his brothers outside his room. The music fades out.

Raph opened the door to see Mikey on the other side. He was trying to get into his room quietly, but failing miserably.

"Raphie!" He shrieked. "Sorry, I was-"

"It's okay, Mike." Raph smiled softly. The song resonating in his mind.

First, I just gotta find your mom...

Raph's face brightened as he realized... His feelings... Were for him.

For Mikey.

"Raph?" Mikey asked, confused.

"If you ever had a kid... What would you name them?"

Mikey scratched his head, not necessarily understanding why that came out of Raph's mouth. "Uh... I dunno. I like seasonal names, like... Summer, Autumn... And Winter." He smiled happily. "Winter is a great name."

Raphael pulled him into a hug. "It is... Isn't it?"

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