Humans Part 2

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"There he is! Donatello!" Mikey shouted. He did jazz hands and laughed. "And what instrument did you get, my guy?"

Donnie smiled and showed off his trombone case. "Trombone!"

"WOOO!" Mikey threw his hands in the air, and whipped them around.

Raph chuckled at his antics, and Leo went over to Donnie. "Don, that's so cool! Wanna teach me?"

Donnie blushed slightly. "Teach you?"


"Sure, I guess." He giggled.

Leo and Donnie started to walk out of the school, Raph snagged Mikey's hand and led him out.

Mikey felt his cheeks heat up, but he didn't pay any attention to that. His attention was on Raph. He was excitedly talking about how Leo was going to ask Donnie to homecoming.

"Isn't that so cool? Man, I wish I had Leo's guts..." He trailed off and looked at the goofball he still had by the hand.

"Yeah..." He smiled dreamily. "I wish I had guts too. Uh, I meant like Leo. I already have guts..." Mikey mentally slapped himself. Get it together, Mike.

Raph laughed. "Actually, I was thinking..."

"That's a surprise!" Donnie said, having heard Mikey trip over himself, and wanting to make sure he didn't embarrass himself too much. (Especially in front of his crush.)

Raph rolled his eyes. Then he looked back to Mikey. "Mike... Would you like to, uh, y'know, go to the dance with-"

"Mikey!" A petite kid with dark brown hair ran over. Mikey had nicknamed the kid Mondo. "Yo! I wanted to ask you something!"

"Mondo?" He hadn't talked to him in ages.

"Mike! Wanna go to the dance-"

"Actually Mikey..." Raph interjected.

"I really want you to go to the dance with me." Mondo and Raph said in unison.

Mikey stared at them both. Mondo and Raph? Mondo was an acquaintance... Or he could go with hot guy friend...

"Um. Well I can't go with you both, so I guess I'll just go with Raphie cause he's like, my best friend." Mikey shrugged. Donnie nodded his approval.

"Me?" Raph's face started to get red.

Mondo scoffed and stalked away, but no one could care less.

Leo slapped Raph on the back and Donnie squeezed Mikey's shoulder.

"Lucky you!" Donnie said with a smile.

"Hah. Yeah, just give him some time."

"What?" Donnie asked, but Mikey kept walking. "Wait! What're you talking about?"


Raphael and Michelangelo stood side by side as they walked into the school that morning... Not knowing what was ahead of them.

Mondo was standing in the lunch room, waiting for Mikey.

"...and he was all like-"

"MICHELANGELO!" Mondo was on a table.

"What the fu-" Raph was staring at him. "What're you doing?" He asked, annoyed.

"I will take Mikey to the dance!"

Mikey was extremely concerned. Why was he actung like this?

"Uh, no you aren't." Raph glared at him. "I asked, and he said yes to me."

"And I'm taking him!" Mondo pointed into the air.



The boys went at it, trying to get the other to understand that they were taking Mikey to the dance.

Mikey slipped away, and met up with Leo and Donnie.

"Why is this happening?" Don asked.

Mikey could only shrug in disbelief. He let out an exasperated sigh and trudged to his locker. He hoped Raph would meet him there.


"What are you talking about?" Mike stared at Raph.

"I... Uh... Mondo is gonna take you to the dance, alright?"

"No, you're taking me."

"Nope. Can't."

Mikey's stare turned cold and menacing. "Why?"

"I-I it's... I can't... We-you-he..."

"Mondo threatened him." Leo butt in. "So... You have to go with Mondo to the dance."

"And I won't. It's not anyone else's choice. It's mine, and I want to go to the homecoming dance with Raph." Mikey folded his arms across his chest.

Donnie nodded. "I'm with Mikey on this."

Leo pouted slightly. "Not with me?"

"No..." Donnie blushed. "I can't, if someone said I had to go with TC to the dance, I'd be pissed too. There's only one person I want to go with. Other than Mikey." Don added with a smile at his bestie.

Mike didn't smile.

Raph looked away.

"Well?" Mikey asked impatiently.

"He said he'd hurt you." Raph answered, face red.

"And we'll take it to my Gram. Come on, hot stuff-" Mikey's eyes widened. "-head. Hot head. That's what I meant."

Leo and Donnie laughed and Raph followed Mikey to the office with an even hotter face.

"So Donnie..."

"Hm?" He looked towards Leo.

"You wanna go to the dance with me?"

Donnie laughed. "I'll go with you."

"Really?" Leo was shocked.

"Yeah, but don't be ashamed when I look way cuter than you in a tux."

Leo blushed. "Of course not."


And that is all for this one, yeah I know, it's shorter than the last one. I'll make a part 3, promise! Work has been shit lately, and whenever I stay up late, I'm not writing, I'm usually drawing for Zadr or talking to my friends...

Welp, see ya!

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