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Michelangelo was a human boy.

Raphael was a human boy.

Donatello and Leonardo were human boys.

They eventually come together for...

High school.

"Awe man, bro!" Mikey groaned, staring at his schedule. "Math for first hour? Who even comes up with these things?"

"I dunno, but they could definitely use a punch to the face. They didn't even put me in the one class I asked to be in!" A boy sighed beside Mikey.

"What class was that?"

"Weight lifting."

Mikey blushed lightly, first... This boy was cute, second... This boy weight lifted, and third... Mikey needed a friend.

"Well... I know one of the office ladies?" Mikey shrugged. "Maybe I could hook you up..."

The boy looked at him. "You would... Really do that for me?"

"Uh- Yeah!" Mikey giggled. "My name is Michelangelo. But anyone that knows me calls me Mikey-"

"What's up, comic relief?"

"Yo! Look, it's the jokester!"

"Hey, Michelangelo. Has your Grammie seen you yet today? She's at her desk in the office." The girl laughed.

"Heh..." Mikey blushed from embarrassment.

"See ya slacker!" The group of assholes left.

"Anyone who knows you calls you Mikey?" The boy asked, slightly amused, but his face was set in a frown.

"My friends at least..."

A nerdy boy with thick glasses and a fro laughed. He had a lisp. "Pleashhe, Michelangelo. You have no friendshh." He left.

"What a stereotype." The boy grumbled. "Uh. I'll be your friend, Mikey. I'm Raphael. But call me Raph or something."

"Really?!" Mikey was so excited. "Awesome! So, Raph... Wanna go see my Gram-Gram?"

"Yeah." Raph laughed.


"My little Mikey!" An older woman leaned over her desk and pinched his cheek.

"Grammie!" He hissed. "I've got a friend... His name is Raph? He needs to switch a class."

"Oh?" She smiled. "My, is he handsome." Mikey's face was hot. "Mike, are you sure he's just a friend?"

"Gramma!" Mikey threw his hands up, exasperated. "Raph needs a class switched. Plus, I dunno if he... Y'know! He doesn't even know about... Me!" Mikey whispered loudly.

Raph blushed. "Uh, ma'am? May I please switch my gym class for weight lifting?"

"What manners!" She smiled. "Of course. Hang on."

After a few clicks, Raph got a new schedule.

"Everything situated, dears?"

The boys nodded. "Yes! Thank you so much!" Raph gave the old woman a hug.

"Not a problem. But... Mikey. I suggest that you come clean."

"Gramma! I just met him!"

"Come clean about what?"

Mikey rubbed his face. "Gram-Gram, you're gonna be the death of me." He looked up at his new buddy. "I'm very gay."

Raph smiled. He fist bumped him. "Nice! I'm bisexual."

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