No song, but DonxCasey

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Raph glared at April. "What in the hell are you talking about, April?"

April smirked proudly at him. "You have a crush on-"

"Raphie~!" Mikey called from the kitchen. "I made some pizza, but it's different, you wanna try it?!"

Raph sprung up from the couch, way away from April. He dashed into the kitchen.

April smiled coyly and bounced into the lab. "Hey Don."

"Hey April." He replied, looking away. He was working on a machine.

"So... Am I the only one that has noticed Raph's strange behavior around-"

"Sorry, April. I would love to talk about Raph, but I gotta finish this retromutagen. Maybe later?" He was still turned away.

She sighed heavily. "Yeah okay." Then, she made her way into the dojo.

Leo was meditating, so April just sat in front of him. "April?" He cracked an eye open.

"Is it just me or do you think Raph has a crush on me?" April rushed out. Her cheeks flushed slightly.

Leo cocked his head to the side. "Uh... Well, I know that Donnie has got a crush on you." He shrugged. "But I think Raph has his sights set on someone else." He smirks at the comment. "So, you don't have anything to worry about."

April glared. "Leo, have you not seen the way he acts around me now?"

"I have." Leo nods. "He treats you like how he treats Don and I." He chuckles. "Like we're nothing, but if we get hurt, we're everything." He rolls his eyes. "Raph is hard to understand..."

"Why didn't you say Mikey?"

"He treats Mikey way differently. He teases him more often, but loves him unconditionally. I believe that Raph... Has a soft spot for him." Leo smiles at the way he worded it. He mentally fist bumped himself.

April's confused expression turned into another glare. "So... He doesn't like me?"

"Nope." Leo stood and held a hand out to April. He lifted her to her feet. "That's okay... Right?"

She nodded, but seemed disappointed. "Y'know... That supposed crush that Donnie has on me? I'm pretty sure he doesn't have it anymore." She giggles. "The look he gives Casey now a days says it all."

Leo chuckled. "My brothers have got some weird feelings they have to work through." His smile faltered only slightly when he remembered his crush on his sister. "We... All do..." Leo muttered.

April shrugged and walked into the kitchen, thinking that she could grab a snack, but gasped at what she saw.

Raph and Mikey pulled away from their make out session, a string of saliva slowly disconnecting. They stared wide eyed at April.

She smirked. "Oooohhh." She giggled. "This is what you're hiding."

"Don't tell anyone, April! Please?!" Mikey begged.

"Cross my heart." She promised. "But, to be honest, I think everyone would be okay with... This... I mean, Splinter is okay with Leo's crush on his sister, sooo..."

The boys smiled happily. April left and went into the lab, and being stopped again.

Casey was towering over Donnie in his lab chair. He was smirking, and Donnie was in a bit of shock. Both of their faces were pink.

Before they noticed her, April rushed out.

"Jesus..." She sighed. "What-"

"Father!" Karai barged into the lair. Leo met up with her, and they walked into the dojo together.

April slumped onto the couch. Well, she guessed she was gonna be alone on Valentine's day... Then she smiled happily for her friends. She didn't think they would ever get with anyone...

April smiled, watching the TV, not knowing that Shinigami was watching her, hoping that someday soon she could find the courage to actually talk to April. And if that day comes, maybe April would accept her feelings... And they could hang out...

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