RxM and LxD

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Donnie brought in the pizza. Leo cheered to himself and Mikey drooled over it. Raph slung an arm across his shoulders.

"Alright, bros!" Mikey exclaimed. "Pizza time, my dudes!"

April ran in and snatched the pile of pizzas. "Nuh uh." She smirked. "You gotta play for this beautiful stack of delicious pizza."

"What?!" Mikey dramatically threw himself into the couch. Then he kicked his feet like a child. "I want pizzaaaaa!" He whined.

"If you want pizza so bad, then you gotta play a game with me. It's like truth or dare, but instead only I give out the commands. Also, I pick what you choose."

"April, it kinda just sounds like you want to know something-" Leo began.

"Ah!" April held up a finger. "Find a seat, turtles." She smiled wryly. "I'm finding out your secrets."

"Fine." Raph huffed. "Who's first?"

"You." April pointed at him. "You chose truth. And I wsnt to know... Do you have a crush?"

"Um... Yeah?"

"Leo! Truth. Do you like Karai anymore?"

Leo shook his head. "No, I don't."

"Michelangelo, you've chosen truth. Are you gay?"

"I prefer the term bisexual. 'Cause I be liking girls and guys." He smiled.

"Donnie." April turned to him. "Truth. Have you moved on from me?"

"Uh..." He gulped. "I... Yeah, I have actually."

"Okay. One last question for you all." She eyed them. "Are you guys with each other?"

"Yeah." They answered in unison.

April nodded, satisfied with their answers. She handed the stack of pizzas back. "Okay, thanks guys."

Once she left, Mikey looked up at Raph. "Why did she do that?"

" 'Cause... We kinda left her out for a while." He chuckled. "Guess she knows now."

"Yep." Donnie cleared his throat and glanced at Leo. "I'm glad she didn't get mad when I told her I didn't like her anymore."

Leo raised a non-existant eyebrow at him. "Dude, she never liked you before."

"She led me on." Donnie clarified. "Do you know how many times she kissed me?"

Leo's eye twitched. "She... Kissed you?"

Mikey and Raph backed away slowly. What was Leo going to do?

Donnie grabbed his boyfriend's hand. "Hey, calm down. That's in the past." He smiled. "Wanna go hang out?" He pointed to his room.

"Yeah, sure." Leo followed, bringing a box with him.

Raphael and Michelangelo went back over to the pizza, shoving more in their mouths.

"Glad I never liked anyone." Raph said, swallowing another piece of pizza.

"Yeah... Me too." Mikey smiled at Raph. "Just you."

They both blushed lightly and pulled each other into a hug. They pulled away, keeping a hand locked with the other.

Mikey, of course, kept eating food. Raph, just smiled and turned on the TV.

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