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By: Owl City

Raph didn't like or care for Christian music. He didn't necessarily have a religion either. Unless you considered
Japanese training a religion.

He was sat in his room, listening to AJR and Neon Trees. He was drawing in his notebook, when an Owl City song came on.

Now, he loved Owl City, but he wasn't gonna tell anyone that! He was about to change it when he heard the lyrics.

Call back the cap-com,
Tick off the time bomb
Let felicity fly-

Mikey knocked. Raph turned it off. "Come in."

"Heyo Raphie!" He giggled and plopped onto Raph's bed.

"I told you not to call me that when Leo and Donnie are here!" He whisper shouted.

Mikey kissed his cheek. "They left. Donnie said something about April needing him, but I don't believe that." He rolled his eyes. "Leo and Don totally like each other. Dontcha think?"

Raph looked at him skeptically. "What?"

"Whatever." Mikey shrugged and grabbed his boyfriend's phone. "What were you listening to?" He gasped when he saw.


Mikey squealed. "No way!" He started to play it again. "Such a good song. Although, it is about God. I dunno who He is, but Owl City really likes the guy."

Armour the airlock
Blanket the bedrock
And kiss the planet goodbye

Dear God, I was terribly lost
When the galaxies crossed
And the sun went dark
But dear God, you're the only North Star
I would follow this far

"Fight back the flight deck." Mikey nodded with the music. "Bring on the breakneck, cue the solar eclipse, summit the sunset, dovetail the dragnet, and blow your backbone to bits..."

Raph stopped the song. "Blow your backbone to bits?" He snickered. "Can I blow your-"

"Raphael!" Mikey slapped his arm. He hid his smile.

Raph chuckled. "Alright fine..." They got closer to each other, but jumped away when they heard Leo calling for them.

Mikey got up and glared at Raph. "Why did you have to take my comic, huh?"

Raph put his hands up in defense. "Me take your comic? Please!" He smiled at Mikey, then opened up his door. "Why are you in my room anyway, you dork! I don't have your comic!"

Mikey stepped past Raph with a smile and a nod. "Whatever, Raph!" He huffed. "Seriously, you can be so annoying!"

Leo and Donnie watched as they glared at each other and came over into the living room.

"You called?" Mikey asked.

"Uh..." Leo's face turned a bright red. Donnie wrapped his arm around his waist and nodded. "We- uh- Donnie and I... Are together. Like... Dating..."

Mikey's entire face lit up. "I knew it!" He shouted, beaming. He grabbed Raph's arm. "Ha! I knew it! I told you!"

Raph smiled softly at Mikey. "You sure did..."

Leo and Donnie stared at their interaction. The way that they looked at each other was so natural... It was how Donnie looked at Leo, and vice versa. They smirked, knowing that they would come clean soon enough.

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