Humans Part 3: Finale

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"This effing suit!" Raph grumbled, tugging on the collar.

Leo shook his head and helped him to adjust. "Seriously, Raph, you suck at this."

"You're telling me?" Raph was finally able to breathe. "Thanks man."

Leo nodded, and began to tie his blue tie on. He messed up a few times, and Raph then helped him.

"So, what do you think Mikey will be wearing?"

"Hm. A suit?"

Raphael rolled his eyes. Then he undid his tie and did it again. He was nervous.

Leo ignored his nervousness and picked up his phone. "I feel like Don should've texted by now."

Raph shrugged. "Dunno Leo."


Mikey was bouncing around his room. He and Donnie were almost ready, but Mikey's grandma had to fix their ties slightly.

They would have an orange and purple bow tie. But Mikey's fit Donnie, and Donnie's fit Mikey.

"So! Should we text them yet?" Mikey asked enthusiastically.

"No." Donnie said, tightening his belt.

Mikey nodded. "Okay."

After a few minutes of silence, Mikey was back up again, looking at his crazy curly orangish-blonde hair.

"My hair looks good. Like messy, but purposely." Mikey winked at himself. "Right, Don?"

Donnie smiled. "Oh yeah."

"And yours looks perfect when its slicked back." He commented.

Don shrugged. "Does it really though?"

"Heck yeah man!" Mikey bounced over to his bestie. "Its already long and cute, and when you slick it back like that, its even cuter! Like..." Mikey rubbed his chin. "Like The Matrix!"

Donnie laughed with Mikey. "Perfect." He giggled.


Donnie: Sorry! Our ties were messed up, but we're ready now!

Leo sighed, relief flooding through him. Raph watched him visibly relax.

"Okay! Ready to go pick up our dates?"

"You bet!"


The boys got their pictures taken by Mikey's gran.

"Thanks Grammie!" Mikey enveloped her into a hug.

She laughed and patted his head. "Let's get everyone to the dance, alright?"

"Woo!" Mikey whooped, making his way into the car.

They had decided to eat a little at Mikey's, and then after the dance, they could go to Applebee's.

"Y'know Mike, Applebee's gives me the-" Raph noticed the look he was getting from Gran. "Poops. Uh, yeah. It gives me the poops, and-"

"We'll only have dessert!" Mikey smiled warmly.

Raph blushed. "Okay..."

Leo and Donnie were on either side of Mikey in the back of the car. "Mike, I dunno if you should've sat back here!" Donnie shifted. "You've got a big butt."

Raph nodded, but made sure no one saw except Don.

Mikey stuck his tongue out at his bestie and scooted towards him more. "Would you rather me on top of you, or Leo?"

Donnie immediately glowered. "Stay off of Leo."

Raphael high fived Mikey. "Nice."


Once in the gym for the homecoming dance, Raph, Mikey, Leo and Donnie stood around the drink table.

"No one's on the dance floor."

"So. Go out there." Mikey smirked at Donnie.


Mikey shrugged. "Fine." He downed the fruit punch and ran into the dance floor. He started thrusting and twerking.

Everyone around laughed and began to join in. This... Was perfect.

Raph jumped into the crowd and found Mikey.

Leo dragged Donnie out there.

And that was it. Well, not really. This was just the start of something beautiful. Kinda...

They all learned that love and relationships take work and dedication.

Mikey and Raph adopted 2 children.

Leo and Donnie adopted 3.

And happily ever after, they will be.

Like the rhyme?? I did lol

Yes, that is the finish, sorry not sorry folks.

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