Valentine special PART 1

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(Just for fun because I am totally bored out of my mind on Valentine's day)

My name is Michelangelo. Everyday, I come to the wrestling room, because my brother, Donnie is wanting to wrestle. I don't enjoy it, but I want to support his decisions.

But every time we come in, his 'friend', Leonardo is here... And so is Raphael.

Now, I'm going to tell you a quick story to get you caught up.

Donnie has been learning lots of new moves, including one that is... A sort of body slam. He lifts up a person and slams them on the ground at their shoulders... I'm not exactly sure what it's called...

Anyway, at the end of practice, I decided to hang out with Donnie and Leo. They were talking, and I butted in, wanting to be a part of the conversation.

Raph was a little ways away.

Donnie wrapped his arms around me. At first, I thought, oh hey, maybe he wants to lift me and show off how strong he is. Haha, what a funny dude.

And then I was on the ground.

With that random rush of adrenaline, I didn't hear anything, or feel anything, so I used a wrestling move I had seen Donnie use, and I flipped him off of myself and stood up. I dusted my pants off and glared at Donnie.

Then, because the room was still filled with hot guys, I laughed, and brushed off any possible embarrassment.

Later though...

My mother had been there to pick us up. She was in the room at the time of Donnie's idiotic attack.

"Mikey, you don't understand. When Donnie picked you up, Raph reached out." She explained.


"Didn't you hear him? He yelled, 'Wait, Mikey!', it was pretty funny." Donnie added.

I sat there, pondering. Thinking, trying to comprehend this...

So, that night I sat in my room... And I tried to contact anyone that could help me with the situation. All I could get was:

TC: He's a dick
LH: Mikey, he's hardcore into drugs
Karai: I dunno, I guess it's up to you

So now, I am sitting at my workplace-a daycare-wondering what exactly I should do.

Raph and I graduated last year.

Leo and Donnie have one more year.

I work at a daycare, and today is the Valentine's day party here... It'll be crawling with parents.

I wonder if Leo and Raph have a really young sibling here? Maybe Raph will come here-STOP MIKEY.

Ugh, well I guess I'll update when I can... There's another kid attacking me. Goodbye journal... Wish me luck on such a day as this!

Nah, not really. Bye!

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