Please Forgive Me

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By: Bryan Adams

Raph groaned as he sat up. What happened last night? He looked around the room as his eyes began to focus. Were these... Strippers?!

"What the-?!" He jumped up. "Wh-what happened?!" Raph immediately called Donnie.


"What the fuck happened last night man?!"

"Bro!" Donnie laughed. "You got so fucked up last night. You got a buncha strippers there, but you told them you wouldn't touch them." He sighed. " 'Cause you had a boyfriend. So, instead, you made them all get real clothes on and you all went and hung out at the arcade. You paid them, and then, you fell asleep." Don laughed. "So, I took the advantage, and did some stuff with 'em."

"O-okay... But what about Mikey? Wasn't he pissed? How did he react?"

"Well he thought it was funny at first, but he's had some time to think about it. He thought it was really wreckless of you and really stupid. Also, Leo is probably gonna kill you."

"Why Leo?!"

Donnie blew air out his mouth. "It's my fault, I might've told him that you ruined his reputation. 'Cause you kinda did. Everyone now knows that Raphael buys hoes and takes them around town."

Raph rubbed his forehead. "What did you put in my drink, Don?"


"DONNIE!" Raph was pissed. He ended the call and gathered his things. He left a note on the fridge.

It read: Hi girls! If you end up waking up, help yourself to any food. And then leave. I gotta go fix things. My friend did something terrible, and the result of that was me doing something even more terrible. And now my boyfriend is mad at me, and now my brother. I apologize girls, but I hope you had a great night. Goodbye!

Raph sprinted to his car. When he got to Donnie and Mikey's place, he rolled down the windows to his car and blasted a song as he stepped out of the vehicle.

Leo, Donnie and Mikey stared out different opened windows.

Raph started to sing. This song was gonna be long. "It still feels like our first night together, feels like the first kiss, it's getting better baby, no one can better this, still holding on, you're still the one, first time our eyes met, same feeling I get, only feels much stronger, I want to love you longer, do you still turn the fire on?" Raph cleared his throat. "So if you're feeling lonely, don't. You're the only one I'll ever want, I only want to make it good, so, if I love you a little more than I should..." He pulled out a bouquet of flowers. "Please forgive me, I know not what I do. Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you. Don't deny me, this pain I'm going through. Please forgive me, if I need you like I do. Please believe me, every word I say is true. Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you..."

Mikey smiled and joined in. "Still feels like our best times are together, feels like the first touch, we're still getting closer baby..." Raph was able to reach Mikey's hands through the window. "Can't get close enough, still holding on, you're still number one, I remember the smell of your skin-"

Mikey burst out laughing. He had forgotten about that part. Leo smiled and Donnie had left because he was laughing so hard.

"Can-can we be done?" Mikey squeezed Raph's hands. "I forgive you, okay?"

Leo was still pissed, but he nodded at Raph.

Raphael smiled and turned off his car. "Good, because I didnt want to have to sing that entire song." He laughed and went back over to Mikey's window. "Wanna go out?"


"Come on, just like when we were teens. Let's go."

Mikey rolled his eyes, but let Raph pull him out through the window. "To... The movies!" Mikey shouted and ran to Raph's car. "Shotgun!"

Raph smiled and followed.

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