This is also not a song

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Donnie was with April.

Leo was with Karai.

Casey had a crush on a girl at school.

Renet had a husband in the future.

Mona Lisa had to marry for peace.

Shinigami was gay for Karai.

(Yeah, Leo and Shini fought for Karai)

That left Raphael and Michelangelo.

"Oh gross." Mikey muttered as he watched April curl up into Donnie's side. "Seriously disgusting, really."

Raph cringed at Casey as he fantasized about the 'girl of his dreams' from school.

Later in the day, April found Mikey in his room reading a comic. It was the only comic that mentioned one of his heroes being in a relationship. He looked genuinely intrigued, but also sad.

"Mike?" She asked.

He looked up from the comic. "Oh, hey April." He seemed... Down? But, Mikey doesn't do sadness.

"What's up? You haven't been hanging out with us lately..."

He shrugged. "I guess I just feel... Left out?"

"From what?"

Mikey waved his comic as if was obvious. "Oh I dunno, the arrows?"

"Arrows?" April was way more confused than she needed to be.

Mikey sighed heavily. "Cupid's arrows, April."

"Oh." Then her face reddened. "Oooohhhh... Yeah I get it now." She rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, maybe we can find you someone?"

"No!" Mikey said rather quickly.

"What? Why? You said you felt left out." April raised an eyebrow at him.



Casey just cackled as he dashed away from his best friend.

Raph kept up, nearly tackling him, but is stopped by April and Mikey.

"What's going on?" April asks.

Raph opened his mouth to say something, but closed it. This happened a few times, making him look like a fish.

So, Casey decided to spill the beans. "Oh, just Raph and his crush." He chuckled evilly.

"You fuckstick." Raph turned his fiery gaze to him.

Mikey gasped lightly, gaining attention from everyone. He didn't notice, but he felt jealousy boil deep down inside his stomach. Mikey glared at Casey, then Raph. How could he? Well, Mikey never did tell his brother about his feelings, but... Maybe it was for the best? Obviously it was... Raph liked someone else. Right?

"I'm going back to my room." Mikey grumbled and left.

Everyone watched his retreating figure. Raph swatted the back of Casey's head. Leo was confused.

"So... Raph has a crush on... A mutant." He began, remembering Casey blurting it out earlier. "And Mikey got pissed off when told Raph has a crush."

"Talk about jealous." Donnie snickered.

Raph huffed and followed after his brother. "Mikey!"

"What the hell is happening Casey?" Leo asked, exasperated.

"Ah, y'know..." He smirked. "Brotherly love."

April smiled, getting the hint. She wasn't told, but she knew they had crushes on each other.

"What?" Donnie asked, his smart brain not getting the stupid reference.

April smiled sweetly and sat by him. "Well, remember when you told everyone that you aren't actually brothers by blood? It was just a thing you called each other?"


"Hmm, well..." Casey interrupted.

"Mikey and Raph took that as a cue that their feelings for each other could be real." April finished.

"Real?" Leo asked, trying to figure out the whole story.

"Raph likes Mikey. Mikey likes Raph." Casey deadpanned.

"Duh." Donnie replied. "Seriously, you guys didn't immediately feel their sexual tension when you met them?" He laughed. "That was three years ago. They've liked each other since we were in the tank."

Leo nodded in agreement. "Actually, if we were still just turtles, they would have to have been adopted together. They were inseperable. If they were apart, they would make weird sounds until they were by each other again. Master Splinter said that also happened after we mutated."

Donnie hummed. "Yeah, like, they were soulmates to start, but being mutated and growing up like humans made then forget their natural instinct to find a lover. And the funny thing is, turtles are supoosed to be with one lover, then move on. Most do... I dunno if it is the human DNA in us, or if we are all lucky enough to want to stay with our partners."

April and Casey stared at the turtles. "You knew all this?" April was shocked. "And you didn't think to mention this?"

"Ummmm..." Donnie rubbed the back of his neck. "No?"

Meanwhile, Raph and Mikey had finished talking out the problem, mostly with the both of them lying to the other about their feelings. When they hesrd the conversation between their brothers.

"Soulmates?" Mikey squeaked, loving the idea.

Raph grasped Mikey's hand. "That would explain the weird gut feeling I get when I'm near you." He smirked.

Mikey gasped. "Raph-"

He stopped him with a kiss.

Leo and Donnie looked around the humans in their living room to see Raph and Mikey kissing. They smiled happily, thinking about how they should've said something sooner.

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