No song (MIKEY POV)

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Running. Something everyone does at least once. Whether it's for something, from something or to something.

Well, I ran. It was away from something.

What was that something?

My... Family.

I ran as fast as I possibly could, my arms pumped steadily by my side. I couldn't help but thank myself for not slacking off in my gym classes.

Now I'm sure you're asking, why would you run away from your family?


They aren't my family.

I've been told for most of my life that I had 3 brothers, a father, and my mother was killed in an accident.

It wasn't true.

I had no mother. My father was a mutant. And my brothers... So were they. I was too, but... Why didn't I know until now?

All this time? All of my 15 years.

How were they able to keep it secret? Some type of technology... That's what Donnie said. He said that Splinter was able to use tech to cover up our identities.

But he lied. To all of us.

Why were my brothers okay with that? They were okay that they were actually giant pet turtles.

Tears streamed down my now green cheeks as I skidded to a halt on top of a NY rooftop.

No wonder why we had such a cool place in the sewers. No wonder why we couldn't invite anyone over, or tell them where we lived.

How did I never know?

Am I that stupid? Oblivious? Both?

Sensei lied.

How could he do that to turtles?

He made turtles think that they were humans. Made them believe that they were... Normal. And now? We weren't.

I know, I'm putting myself in danger.

I know that they will come looking for me in their civilian forms.

Sensei was a giant rat with 4 giant pet turtles for sons. But... None of us were related.

Suddenly, I heave a big sigh, feeling my stomach turn.

I want to puke. I ran too much.

But that's not the reason why my stomach feels like there's butterflies.

I remember the look he gave me.

He was so happy to find out that we aren't actually brothers. There was relief. There was so much emotion. But I ran away from them. From him.

"Mikey!" I hear someone call. I wipe away my tears and keep running.

My breathing is ragged. My lungs burn. Tears still ran down my face, although I got rid of them moments ago.

I want to stay for him, but I can't. Not when I know that my life can never be normal now.

I figured, even after what we did, I could move on from him, meet a lovely girl, and get married.

I wouldn't be as happy as I was in his arms, but... At least no one would think I was disgusting for being with my brother.

And now... We know we aren't brothers. How could we tell people that when they see us holding hands? They wouldn't listen because all of our lives, we were brothers.

Yes, I was now a turtle. I always was, but now that I know, it's a big change. A change I'm sure I could end up getting used to.

But... Knowing that we're not brothers... God, it's just fucking with my head...

I stop again when I can't see from the tears. I don't care about the 4 people screaming my name.

I curl up on the roof, in my true form. Maybe, just maybe, someone will see me and send me to a circus? And then I wouldn't have to see Sensei again.

He lied!

Why do I feel the need to reiterate that?

Because, I want to go back.

But I won't let it happen.

I start to drift off. My eyes close, I wonder if they'll give up. They've got to. They can't stay up all night. And neither can I... And that's why I let my eyes slide shut for the night.

"...angelo? Michelangelo? Can you hear me?" I wake up with a jolt to Splinter shaking me awake. He is in his rat form.

"M-master Splinter?" I croak. I cringed lightly at my voice. I really must've blocked out most sounds, I didn't even know I had been crying that hard.

He smiles warmly at me. "My son... Please, come back home."

I felt tears burn the back of my throat. Before I can apologize, I puked. "Ugh..." I groaned.

Sensei held me close. "Michelangelo." He sighed. "My poor Mikey. I am sorry for what I did to you. I-"

I shushed him. "Actually. I don't think that's why I ran." I admit. Sensei stands and picks me up, as if I weigh nothing to him. "It's... Because of my- uh- feelings?"

Splinter's concerned look turned soft. "My son, what feelings are these?"

"I-I'm sorry. For... Being with him."

"What are you talking about?" Sensei asked, genuinely getting confused.

"I was with Raph, Sensei. As in-"

Splinter covered my mouth. "I know, Mikey." He snickered slightly. "Raphael told me everything, for he was afraid that was the reason. And, indeed it is. But it's not because of Raph, but because you feel guilty for enjoying it?"

I bit my lip. "Ye-yes." I stuttered.

Master Splinter smiled. "It is okay, my son. We shall speak about this later. Right now you need rest. And tomorrow will be a new day."

I smiled sleepily. "Yes, Sensei." And I soon drifted off again, but instead it was in the arms of my father.

Maybe we wouldn't be normal again, but maybe... Just maybe, Raphie and I can be together. Truly, without judgement. Because that's all I was really concerned about. Maybe if we accepted our real selves, we can stay this way in the sewers, and we can be together. Forever.

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