Mad Mikey

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Raph giggled happily as he snuck into Mikey's room. He just had to prank his brother after that whole 'Dr. Prankenstein' fiasco.

"Alright Mikey, whaddya got for me, buddy?" Raph rubbed his hands together, then his eyes landed on his bed.

Maybe there was something hidden?

He checked everywhere on the bed and underneath the sheets and pillows, so he moved on to underneath the bed.

And lo and behold... There was a notebook.

"Ah ha ha!" Raph sneered. He opened it up to the first page.

Hi! My name is Michelangelo Hamato. Or actually it'd be, Hamato Michelangelo, but... Everyone calls me Mikey. This is my very first entry in this new journal. April gave this to me a few days ago... So... I decided to write in it! I might even draw, but... I'm not much of an ar-teest. Haha, get it? Of course you do.

Raph scratched his head and flipped to the next page.

Yo! It's me! Mikey! I guess I'm going to keep you a secret, okay? I seriously can't have anyone else read this. Like... That would be beyond embarrassing. Now I'm sure you expect me to write all about my crushes, but nah. That's too girly for the awesome saucem Mikey Mike.

Raph rolled his eyes, but grinned nonetheless. He skipped a few pages.

Ugh. I get blamed all the time. Yeah, I mess up, but so do they! Jesus fuck... Don't tell anyone I said swear words. Leo would have my head. Anyway... The real reason why I wanted time alone in my room was to draw... I don't usually draw, but it sounded like fun.

 I don't usually draw, but it sounded like fun

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Raph laughed at the drawing. It was cute and innocent. So much like Mikey...

He shook his head slightly, clearing the thought and flipped it a few pages.

He shook his head slightly, clearing the thought and flipped it a few pages

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Raph was confused at this. "What the..."

Holy petoskey stones. I know I said I wouldn't speak of... Feelings... But... Gah! So, Donnie likes April. Leo likes Karai... (Our sister) and Raph and I are left hanging. But here's the thing if Leo is allowed to like our sister can't I-

"Raphael! What the hell are you doing in my room?!" Mikey stomped in and yanked the notebook away from Raph. "What did you read?!"

Holy shit. He was mother fuckin' scary like this. It was oddly adorable.

Raphael noticed his cheeks puff up and his face flush with anger.

"I got to the part where you were talking about crushes... But I didn't get to read who you liked." Raph said breathlessly.

Mikey's face softened slightly. "Okay. Good.... Now go!" He ended with a shout.

Raph nodded quickly and scooted out as fast as possible. When he got to his room he smiled cheekily.

"Oh man..." He sighed. "I never thought he could get cuter!" He squeaked out the last few words and fell back onto his bed.

Back to Mikey... He was sweating terribly... Oh man. "What if... He had read the part about my crush?!" Mikey rubbed his face. The anxiety getting to him.

"No time to think about what if's..." Mikey nodded and went to leave his room.

Raph felt his red face. "What if... Mikey's crush... Is on me?" Raph shook his head. "Nah. Also, there's no time to think about what if's anyway... I got shit to do."

When the boys left their respective rooms, they ran into each other.

"Raph!" Mikey screeched.

"Mikey?" Raph asked.





"Alright!" Leo glared at them. "Cut it out, will you?"

"But-" They replied in unison.

Leo cut them off. "Talk." He shoved them into the lonely dojo.

"Talk about what?" Mikey asked the closed door.

"You know exactly what!" Leo said, voice muffled.

Mikey groaned. Why was his big bro such an ass-

"Why're you such an asshole, Leo?!" Raph bellowed.

" 'Cause, that's how I roll." He answered, earning a smirk from Donnie across the room.

"God...." Mikey glared at Raph. "Okay, butt. Listen up."

Raph perked up, but glared at him due to the nickname.

"I, uh... Dammit." He muttered.

"Tuh tuh tuh tuh-day junyuh!" Leo shouted from the other side of the door.

"Fuck you, Leonardo!" Mikey retorted and turned back to Raph. "IlikeyoulikealotandIreallyhopeyoudon'tseemedifferently,butIunderstandifyoudo!" Mikey rushed out and cowered away, waiting for the smack.

"Wait... For real?"

"...Yes?" Mikey squeaked.

Raph smiled. "Thank god... Thought I was the only one that liked my bro." He sighed with relief and wrapped his arms around the shocked Mikey. "I like you too, little brother."

They hugged tightly and let go, making their way out of the dojo.

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