Cut too deep ✨

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This could be VERY upsetting for some readers 🥺

{Set in the traphouse}

{third person (I think lmao)}

Sam gasped, the sharp pain in his arm shocking him, but he didn't care. He liked the pain. He watched intently as the red droplets fell from the deep cuts in his once mark-less skin. Again, Sam didn't care. This is what he wanted. He wanted to die. Sam Golbach wanted to die. For months, he'd been suffering, silently of course. He couldn't voice his feelings to anyone, not even his closest friends and family. Opening up could only be a bad thing, right? By having his feelings out in the open, Sam worried it would hurt even more. But he'd had enough. He'd had enough of dragging his heavy bones through every day, throwing a fake smile on his face to make it look like he was ok. God, how Sam wished he could be ok again. Sam shakily bought the razor back up to his wrist, pulling it across his arm, as hard as he could. The sincere pain from this cut made Sam cry out in pain, dropping the razor on the floor in shock. He watched the blood pour out his wrist and he knew he'd done it. That was the cut that would do it. "Sam?" He heard. "Sam are you alright?"
And suddenly, something clicked in sam's brain. What was he doing? What the hell was he doing? He'd been so stupid. For all these months he'd been thinking there was nothing to live for, there had been. His best friend. Sam was being so selfish. He was trying to end everything, nothing ever crossed his mind about the heartbreak he was going to leave behind. "Colby," Sam sobbed, but it only came out as a soft whisper, I doubt he even heard it. Sam only panicked further when he started to get dizzy, his head dropping and his eyelids fluttering shut. Oh my god. What had he done?

{Colby's POV}

"Sam?" I called again. Nothing. "Sam!" I called a little more urgently. I tried opening the door, and to my dismay it was locked. "Sam open the door!" I exclaimed, knocking loudly on the door. I got down on my hands and knees, peering under the door, but I couldn't see anything. I tried knocking again, louder this time. "What's going on?" Elton asked as he walked around the corner. I jumped from the sudden noise but turned around to face him, fear radiating from my face. "Sam's locked himself in and he won't open up,"
I panicked, banging my shoulder against the door in an attempt to open it but to no effect. Elton walked up to the door and knocked loudly. "Sam! Sam open the door it's Elton," Elton tried, but again, to no effect. "What's up?" Devyn's soft voice rang out. Elton turned around and explained to her the situation as I tried my best to persuade Sam to open the door. I turned around in defeat, as I watched devyn pull something out his pocket and pass it to Elton. A bobby pin. Elton walked over to the door and after a few attempts, managed to use the bobby pin to pop open the lock. I quickly opened the door, and my heart dropped. Sam was sat up against the wall, his chin on his chest. Blood was spilling carelessly out of deep cuts in his arms and a razor was laying next to him. I blinked, taking it all in. "Sam!" I heard Elton shout. With that, I shook into action (I am aware that made no sense). I ran over to Sam, lifting his head up. "Sam! Sam talk to me!" I panicked, tears filling my eyes. "Sam please!" I sobbed. I gently pulled him into my arms, his head on my chest. Elton come over with a pile of towels, and I could hear Devyn calling the ambulance. Elton knelt down beside us, placing two fingers on his wrist. "Theres a pulse. Colby? There's a pulse ok?" Elton spoke calmly, looking at me as I cried. I nodded, holding Sam closer to me. Elton took a towel and held it against Sam's bleeding wrists. Sam suddenly flinched, a broken cry leaving his lips. "Sam?" Elton asked.
"Sam can you hear me?"
"Colby..." Sam whispered, tears flowing from his closed eyes.
"I'm here. I'm right here," I spoke, trying not to show to him that I was crying. I held him closer to me, planting a soft kiss on his forehead.
"H-hurts," he sobbed.
"I know, I know it does. You're gone be fine I promise you, just stay awake alright," I told him, burying my face into his blonde hair.
"I-I'm sorry," he cried. I shushed him, trying to calm him down as much as I could. I felt him weakly bury his head into my chest, causing me to smile despite the circumstances. Elton held the towel tighter, a broken sob escaping Sam's chapped lips.
"Just don't think about it," i whispered to him. I knew now that he had grown too weak to give me a response, but I kept talking to him anyway.
"Just listen to my heart beat alright? Focus on that."
After about 10 minutes of Sam getting weaker and weaker, the paramedics finally arrived.
As I heard them coming through the door, I sighed in relief.
"I-I love y-you," Sam stuttered as the paramedics came through the bathroom door.
"I love you too."

So, um yah? This is bad, sad and made me mad? Oooo imma poet and I didn't even know it. Ok GOODBYE BEFORE I DO SOMETHING MORE EMBARRASSING 👋👋❤️

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