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Andi's POV

"Wow, are you sick or something? I've never seen you so relaxed when dropping Kas off." Dani laughs as Alena runs past me to find Kason.

"Nope. I actually have zero things to do today. No sessions, no revisions, no nothing. I'm going to my hair appointment and then home to sit on my couch and do absolutely nothing until Kason is done here." I laugh.

"In that case want to pick up both kids this afternoon and come over for family dinner? Kason and Alena would love it, and we could finally get to that talk we've needed to have for like four days."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

"Good. Kev has the day off too, which is so nice. I'm going to make him make this a big family party, and we will see you and the kids this afternoon."

"Sounds good. I have to go before my stylist gives away my slot though."

"Changing the blue already?"

"I have a magazine shoot tomorrow, remember? I'm doing it with Ricky, so I want my natural hair color for it."

"Have I ever seen your natural color?"

"No, I haven't been my natural color since I was about sixteen. It's a light auburn color." I chuckle, "You'll see this afternoon." I wave hurrying to my car and off to the salon.


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Liked by TrickyRicky, bakerboyT, and 4,672 others.
Drama: I'm naturally a Ginger, did you know that? Back to my natural color for the first time since I was 16!

TrickyRicky: whoa! You look just like mom in all the photos from when she was our age!

I chuckle at Brody's comment as I wait for the bell to sound, letting the kids out from preschool.

"Andi?" I glance up as I hear my name, trying to stay calm as I see Ashton walking towards me with another guy.

"Hey, Ashton." I smile, slipping the phone into my pocket.

"Why are you at a school?" He laughs.

"I could ask you the same." I shrug.

"My buddy Wyatt has a kid in preschool here, I was hanging out with him today so I came with him to pick up Roman."

"You're Roman's dad?" I turn to the other guy.

"Ya, you know my son?"

"I've heard stories. Apparently Roman is quite the artist in the class." I chuckle, "I'm Andi, Kason-" "Oh Kason, now I've heard of that kid." He laughs, "Apparently he is quite the little athlete. And Roman gets jealous that Alena plays with Kason so much."

"Alena and Kason are best friends, I didn't realize the other boys hated that though." I chuckle.

"According to Roman, Alena is the prettiest and nicest girl in the class, but she always plays with Kason and he hates it."

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