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Andi's POV

"Can you believe it's already time for the baby shower." I hum, watching as Studio City passes through the window as we drive towards Michael and Crystal's house. Apparently they had jumped right in with Brody and Trey to plan this event, and since their yard is bigger, we are having the party at their house.

"Eleven more weeks and they'll be here." Cal grins, his right hand leaving the wheel to rest on top of mine on my stomach.

"I don't know if my skin will stretch any farther. They better stay small." I chuckle, glancing down at my lap, over half my thighs covered by the bump.

"Still as beautiful as ever though, always as beautiful as ever." He grins.

"Is Gramma coming to this party, mom?" Kason speaks up from the backseat.

"And grandpa, and Liza too I think. Maybe aunt Muriel also, I don't know for sure though."

"Liza!" I can hear the excitement in his voice, "I haven't seen her in so long! Not since we went to Nashville last time."

"I know! Won't it be fun to see her?"

"So much fun."

"And Alena and Valentina are coming with their mom and aunts. And all of dad's band. It's going to be so much fun."

"All my favorite people are coming." He squeals excitedly.

"All my favorite people are in this car." Calum chuckles.

"Cheesy much?" I roll my eyes at him, but smile. I'll take the complement, even doused in cheese.

"Always. Now, Kason you don't run ahead, wait for mom and I." Cal comments to him, pulling into a driveway with a few pink and gold balloons tied to the mailbox.

"I promise."

Calum leads Kason and I around the house unto the backyard through the side gate. I managed to keep Brody's surprise from him about his family and I'm hoping they are already here so I can see the shocked look on Cal's face when he notices them.

"Hey! The guest of honor has arrived." Trey yells out loud enough for the whole yard to hear as we come into view.

"Gramma!" Kas giggles, running from my side towards my mom the moment he spots her.

"No way!" Cal grins, suddenly taking off the same way Kas did, but towards Mali and his mum, who I recognize from photos.

"I'll keep you company while they greet those people." I gasp at the sound of her voice, turning to see Liz standing beside me.

"Oh my god! I didn't know you were coming too." I grin, wrapping my arms tightly around her.

"I've missed you, Andi." She chuckles, hugging me back.

"I'm so glad you are here."

"Me too. When Joy mentioned she was coming out for the shower I booked the seat beside her, couldn't let another day go by without a hug from my Andi."

"I haven't actually met Joy yet. I probably should, seeing as I'm engaged to her son."

"She is excited to meet you too. She asked me all about you on the flight out. Wanted to know everything I knew from knowing you for those months in London."

"Oh!" I squeal slightly, hugging her again, "It was just as hard losing you as it was the boys when I did."

"Ann." I turn as Calum's familiar hand rests on my shoulder. "I want you to finally meet my mum. Mum, this is Andi. The love of my life." Cal grins.

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