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Andi's POV

"Hi, how can I help you today?" A kind young man sitting at the receptionist desk asks as I step into the building.

"Hi. I am here for a writing session with Mali-Koa." I smile.

"Let me call someone down, do they know you are coming?"

"Ya, she knows. Tell her Drama is here." I nod.

"Give me just a moment." He picks up the phone and pushes a few buttons. I step to the side to wait. Pulling out my phone to shoot Cal a text.


about to meet your
sister officially. Say
stop now if you don't
want it to happen. 😋

have fun! You are
going to love Mali.
See you both later.

I glance up as a door opens loudly, seeing the same blonde haird beauty from Nashville hurrying towards me with a big grin on her face. "Oh my god it's so good to really meet you, Andi." She pulls me into a tight hug without warning. After a second of shock I reciprocate, hugging her back.

"I had no idea who you were when we set this up, I hope you can believe that." I chuckle, "You got me here because of your talent not your brother."

"Please. Even if it was him, I still got you here. Besides, now we have so much more reason to meet and get to know each other."

"And you don't hate me for everything I've done to him?" I sigh out in relief.

"Course not. We all know sixteen year old Calum would have done exactly what you thought. And now I get a nephew who is five, and soon another two little ones to spoil too." She grins, eyeing my stomach. I had worn a baggier shirt but you can still see the bump a little bit.

"The twin part is a huge secret. Please keep it under wraps. Cal, you, me, my twin brother and Kas are the only ones who know it's twins. Not even my brothers fiancé or my parents know." I say quietly.

"Got it." She nods, "Now fill me in! Calum is the worst at telling me about anything. He gives the rundown real fast and never gives fun or cute details. You guys have this whole seven year story and I've heard shit about it."

"How about we write for a couple hours, and we can gossip over lunch. I want all sorts of stories about Cal growing up too." I grin.

"Deal! I think we are going to get along just fine." She chuckles, leading me into a studio room where a few people are already seated with instruments and papers around.

"Guys! This is Drama! We have two and a half days with her, so let's get to work!" Mali grins, grabbing my hand and pulling me down onto the couch beside her.

Working with Mali is enjoyable, and honestly it is nice to be working with a female artist again. Don't get me wrong, I love the boys, but sometimes it's nice to have a girl who gets my emotions and perceptions more personally. We laugh a lot, and the atmosphere is light and energizing while still productive, it's an atmosphere where I could definitely thrive artistically and I love that.

"Are we ordering in lunch or no?" James asks after a while, and only as he mentions the meal do I feel my stomach ache for food.

"Drama and I are going out to lunch for an hour. You guys do what you want. We'll meet you back here at 1:30." Mali drops her pen, grabbing a bag off the floor and my hand.

"Someone is excited about lunch." I chuckle, following her out the door and then out of the building, squinting because the sun is far brighter than inside was.

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