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Calum's POV

I sigh as I park outside Michael's house, hoping tonight isn't a complete disaster. Honestly I was a little surprised when he invited me over for a gaming night, things have improved some in the studio, but I'm not stupid, I know they're all still mad at me. I startle as the door opens before I reach it, laughter coming for it as two people step out.

"Well thanks, Mike, we can totally return the favor anytime, we would love to have Southy while you and Crystal take a vacation or tour or anything." One of them says.

"I'll take you up on that, so long as that nephew of yours won't be terrified of him."

"Please, Kason begs for a dog of his own at least once a week." The other laughs, and I stop walking, not wanting to be here right now.

"Hey, Cal, come on in." Mike calls, as if he knows bringing attention to myself is the last thing I want right now.

"Calum Hood." the two guys turn to me quickly, and I can see now that it's both Ricky and Trey, and they look pissed.

"Hi." I mumble, not making eye contact with either of them.

"Don't hi us. You are literally the bottom of the shit pile, the most despicable human being. Crushing a little boys heart and hurt my sister like that." Ricky spits.

"Look, I didn't ask for this. I am not going to do it just because suddenly I know."

"She didn't ask for it either, but she did it. At seventeen, knowing it could end her career plans, knowing every single thing she did would be harder, knowing she would lose you. But that was all worth it to her. But you, you can't even meet the kid before you decide you can't do it. He is the best kid in the whole world, and you are making a mistake, and you are not going to get a chance to fix it if you don't fix it now." Ricky pushes past me, knocking my shoulder hard as he does.

"Fucking coward." Trey adds, giving me a nasty look as he follows Ricky. I don't respond continuing up the steps and through the front door.

"I'm not going to say you didn't deserve that. But I also hate to see everyone so hard on you." Michael sighs, pulling me into a hug.

"I just wish everyone could see that I already feel shit about myself for making that choice, but I really did it because I think it will be best for everyone. If I felt like I could do this I would." I mumble into his shoulder.

"I know. Now come on, video games and beer?"

"Sounds like a great night." I nod, glancing down as two dogs come running into the room. I recognize Southy, but the brown and white Jack Russell Terrier is new. "Their dog?" I question.

"His name is Gizmo. We are watching him while they are out of town for the week. To see how it would be to have another dog around again."

"You guys are looking into getting another dog again?" I smile.

"Ya, Southy needs a friend. But we wanted like a trial run first. So when Ricky mentioned they needed to leave Gizmo with someone for a week, I offered quickly. Sorry the timing sucked, and you got yelled at again."

"It won't be the last time, I still haven't told me family about any of my mess, and you can bet Mali and mum are going to give me an earful each. Honestly I'm surprised I got as little as I did from Ricky.

"They were running late or I'm sure it would have been more."

"So where's Crys? She's usually all about greeting and fussing over snacks and things."

"She's in the bedroom." He hesitates before handing me a controller.

"Oh." I nod, "She's angry too."

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