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Double update!!
⚠️ TW//mild ⚠️

Andi's POV

"Ahhhh!" I yell out, dropping into the rocking chair, tears pouring down my face.

"ANN? Andi?" I flinch slightly as I hear Calum running through the house. I didn't mean to freak him out.

"Andi?" I can't open my eyes as he comes into the nursery. Listening as he moves closer, until his arms are wrapped around me awkwardly.

"What is it, Ann, what's wrong?" I shake my head, tears still pouring out of my eyes. I don't know how to explain what's wrong, all the emotions corsing through my tired body.

"Is it the pregnancy hormones?"

I nod.

"Is it more than that?"

I nod again, but then shrug. I have no idea if it's more than that or not.

"What's going on, love? What do you need, Ann, anything. I'll make it happen."

"Brody." I squeak out, not even caring if it hurts his feelings, they'll be hurt worse if I don't talk it all through with Brody first.

"And Trey?" His voice is still calm which gives me mild relief, but in my mental state is is almost unnoticeable. I shake my head in responce, I need just Brody. I need my brother.

"I'm going to go call him. You try and take some deep breaths, Ann, it's going to be okay." He kisses my head softly before his footsteps retreat from the girls room.

I can hear his mumbled voice from our room next door, but I can't tell what he's saying. The tears continue streaming down my face, as my body gets more uncomfortably stiff. My lungs feeling swollen and tight, each breath getting harder and harder to take in.

"Andi, breathe. In...and out.... in.... and out...." I startle slightly when Calum's voice comes from right in front of me again.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, trying to focus on my breathing.

"What happened?" I know he's worried, I can hear it in his voice and sense it in the way he touches me, his fingers delicately wiping my tears away. His simple question throws my body and mind back into a panic, tears coming faster, sobs shaking harder, and breaths coming even more shallow.

"Okay, okay shhhh, baby. Brody will be here in just a couple minutes. He's coming. I'm sorry. You just have me worried, Ann, I just want to make sure you're okay." He whispers calmly, resting his forehead against my chest, and rubbing his hands along my thighs trying to comfort me. I can't respond, and I hate that he is so worried. So I do what I can, running my hand over the back of his head as I continue to lose my shit.

"Andi? Calum?" I jump slightly as Brody's voice comes from downstairs about fifteen minutes later.

"Upstairs." Calum's head lifts off of me, before he's up and hurrying towards the door.

"Is she okay?" I can hear Brody asking quietly in the hall.

"She's just crying, and crying. She just wanted you. I don't know what's going on." Calum's voice finally gives way to slight resentment or pain.

"I'll figure it out. I'm sure there's a reason she doesn't want to talk to you."

"I wish she would...."

"She will. Let me talk to her for a minute."

"I'll be downstairs." Calum's receding footsteps tell me he walked away.

"Andi-Dandi?" Brody's voice is soft as he comes into the room, closing the door behind him. "What's wrong, Andi?" He asks again, closer this time.

"Everything." I mumble out, shaking my head as my emotions rupture out again.

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