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A/N: This is a double update since I have been gone for a few days. Read chapter 13 first if you haven't. Thanks!

Calum's POV

"So where did Jane and your aunt go?" I chuckle, sliding my hand gently along Andi's arm.

"Jane's grandma died. They went to Manchester to attend the funeral. That's where Jane's dad and little brothers live." She rolls her eyes at me.

"And they actually let you stay here alone for three days?"

"I'll be eighteen in a couple months, Squish, and I have my internship. I couldn't just take off." She turns to sit cross legged facing me on the couch. "Besides she isn't my grandma, she was Jane's dad's mom. Her mom went because she was married to the womans son for like eighteen years."

"We have this house all to ourselves for three whole days?" I smirk, sitting up too.

"Well I do. Liz might get suspicious if you're gone for three days." She laughs her beautiful laugh.

"But she thinks I'm out with Mikey and some friends tonight. So she won't be suspicious now." I smirk, leaning forward to press a kiss to her lips.

"Also very true." She giggles, wrapping her arms around my neck and falling back onto the couch, pulling me on top of her. I hiss softly into her neck as my crotch collides with her pelvis, and I'm not sure if it's from the slight pain or the intense pleasure. "We've got all night and I thing it's time we step this thing up a notch." She whispers in my ear, lacing her ankles around my back and kissing me hard on the lips.

I'm stunned and slightly nervous at her sudden mood, but my body seems to know what it's doing, at least somewhat. My lips instinctively kissing back the ones they crave anytime they are apart. Andi and I have made out a few times, quite a few actually. So the feeling of her tongue swirling across my lips doesn't scare me. Her hands start to fiddle with the hem of my shirt as the kissing goes longer. Our other attempts to make out had not lasted this long, always ending when Liz or her aunt came to check on movie nights, or when one of the others decided we'd been at it long enough and made a stupid comment. But tonight, tonight it was just us. We could go for hours if we wanted.

An involuntary moan escapes my lips as her cool fingers dance up my back, the t-shirt I've got on pulling with it. She reads the sound like a sentence, repeating her actions as she smirks into my lips, tightening her legs to bring my crotch back into contact with her own.

"Can I take this off?" She whispers into my lips, tugging at my shirt. The question alone making the knot in my stomach tighten. Without answering I reach up and lift the shirt off my body, her lips instantly attaching to my upper chest as it is exposed. "You can touch me, Cal, I'm not afraid of you." She chuckles as I put my hand back beside her head.

"Where?" I ask, kissing her jaw softly, just below her ear.

"Anywhere." She breathes out. I cautiously run my hand down her side, waiting for her to stop me. Instead she grins, sighing out contently.

"You know that would feel better without clothing between us." She smirks, lifting her self slightly to get me to sit up. Re-positioning so she is kneeling in front of me she lifts the sweater she's wearing over her head, swaying her hips slightly as she does.
"Like what you see?" She smirks, shoving me back and straddling my hips, grinding herself into me as my eyes continue to watch her chest bounce, teasing me as everything I want to see is tucked into the lacy black bra she's got on.

"Works better if you take it off with your hands and not just your eyes, Squish." She giggles, slowing her grinding.

"I... I'm a virgin." I stutter out, "I don't have any idea what I'm doing."

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