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Calum's POV

"Knock, knock." I grin, walking through the front door.

"Hi, daddy!" Kason giggles, running over to hug me quickly, Dubs on his heels with his tail wagging.

"You'd think you were the favorite parent or something." Andi laughs, coming down the stairs in a tighter grey and white striped dress that accentuates her bump, a denim jacket over top.

"Look at our babies." I grin, walking across the room to pull her into a hug.

"I got tired of baggy clothes, so we are sort of giving up on the whole secret thing. If that's okay with you."

"Absolutely. Look at these two." I grin, rubbing her stomach softly. "Beautiful, just like their mommy."

"Today is about our first child, Calum. So lets get to his little graduation." She grins past me at Kason.

"It's going to be so fun!" Kason giggles.

"And after the graduation, I am going to take my family to get some lunch before I head to my show tonight." I grin.

"Go get your bag for Alena's house tonight, Kason. We will probably just drop you off after lunch if that's okay with you, and then I'll go with dad to his show." Andi smiles at him.

"Okay!" He yells, running for the stairs.

"Good no kids watching." I grin, pulling Andi close again and kissing her lips softly, "You are the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen, Ann."

"Today is going to be fun." She laughs, squirming away as I squeeze her butt softly.

"I am so excited for it, that is for sure." I nod.

"I'm excited to see All Time Low live. That's all." She smirks, stepping over to the counter to get her purse.

"Only All Time Low?" I chuckle.

"Ya, I think I'll ditch before the act following them." She teases.

"No. You are definitely not ditching then. I won't allow it." I laugh, wrapping my arms around her from behind.

"What are you going to do about it? You'll be on stage." She smirks, kissing my cheek softly.

"Stay for the whole show and you'll get a private concert after." I smirk, kissing her neck.

"Tempting. But shouldn't I be your girlfriend first?" She stick my tongue out at me.

"Okay! I'm ready to go!" Kason startles both of us as he jumps the last three stairs, landing with a large thud.

"Let's go get you graduated and ready to go to Kindergarten in the fall." Andi grins, spinning from our subject to his very quickly. I have to learn how to do that...

"YAY!" He giggles, running to the front door, "Bye, Dubs! Don't pee in my bed."

I laugh as he yells it, "Is this an actual problem your dog has?" I ask Andi as she locks the front door.

"No. But Kason is very afraid of it becoming a problem." She laughs too.


"I don't know where it came from, but it is funny."

"Very funny."

The graduation is a little bit silly, a bunch of five year olds walking around trying to be serious in their paper hats. But I can see in Kason's eyes that he is excited and proud to be graduating from preschool, so I give him thumbs up when he looks over at me, and smile big.

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