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This is a double update. Chapter 17 was posted this morning.

Calum's POV

One month.

It's been one month since Andi and I started over. Since she found out we are going to be parents to twins on top of Kason. Since I realized I was a complete asshole.

And I'm getting dressed for her party. Well, her and Ricky's party, it's their birthday today and Andi invited me. I knew the other boys would be invited, but I wasn't sure I would. So when she caught me at the end of a session earlier the week to see if I was coming, I was excited. She wants me there, it's working. She is seeing the change in me.

But I'm also scared shitless. Her brother is not a big fan of mine. Neither is Niall, or Trey, and who knows who else...

I stare at the wall of clothing in my closet for a long time, trying to find the right outfit. I have to impress Andi. I have to look so good she notices me over all the other guys around, because I want her back. I want her to be mine again, and I can't risk a jealous rage again. I get to meet Kason soon and I can't mess that up. I'm finally working my way into my son's life, I won't mess that up.

I spot a pair of pants I haven't worn in a while, smirking as I pull them off the hanger. I know the general consensus on them, and the fan obsession. And I know Andi, she is going to like them. A lot. I match them with a tight black shirt, black boots, and my leather jacket. Fastening a silver chain around my neck. I move in front of the mirror to check my decision wasn't in vain, and am pleasantly impressed. The workouts I've been doing instead of smoking has toned out my chest, and it's visible through the shirt I chose. I'm ready. I grab my phone and wallet, calling for an Uber and head downstairs to wait.

Andi's POV

"Wow. Who the hell is this hottie?" Niall laughs, throwing an arm over my shoulders.

"Glad you think so. I had to go with a dress I liked slightly less to hide the slightly protruding bump." I chuckle so only he can hear.

"You look stunning, Andi, don't worry. And happy birthday." He smiles, kissing the side of my head softly.

"Thanks. Well get some drinks, enjoy yourself. And don't kill Calum, I invited him, and I want him here."

"Well you enjoy yourself, don't drink anything with alcohol in it. And don't go home with Calum."

"I'll do my best." I laugh.

"And so will I. I'll catch up with you later, gotta say hi to some other friends." He raises a hand as he heads across the room.

I glance around at the crowd of people gathered in the club, before making my way towards Dani and Sophie across the room. "Happy Birthday, Andi!" They squeal, hugging me as I reach them.

"Thanks. And thanks for coming tonight." I chuckle, stepping back.

"We miss you around the Jonas family. You've been so busy." Dani frowns.

"Well the album is out in two weeks and my part in it is finished. I had to move to the next projects to keep making money. Plus the whole mess with Kason's dad over the last couple months, and..." I sigh, "it's been crazy. And I miss you guys too."

"You're still dealing with his dad? I thought you said he didn't want to be in Kason's life. That's why we don't know who he is." Sophie cocks an eyebrow.

"Well he said he didn't, but I know him better than that. It took him the better part of a month being a complete asshole, but he figured it out. And for the last month he has been doing everything in his power to change my mind and prove he wants to be in Kason's life."

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