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Andi's POV

"Are you sure you're okay, Andi?" Frankie asks, handing me a glass of water as I lean my head back, breathing through the end of another contraction.

"No. I think I'm in labor." I groan.

"Finally! I've been telling you that for hours. Get your pregnant ass in my car now. Kev, you've got the three kids and trick or treating duty. Her whole support system is out of town except us." Dani starts yelling.

"I can't be in labor now." I sigh, fear rising inside me.

"The babies don't care that Calum has shows the next few nights. They just want to get out so get in the damn car!" Dani pushes.

"Can I use the bathroom first?" I half chuckle, heading their instead.

"Kason, come say goodbye to your mom she is going to have the babies." I hear Joe yell as I sit down on the toilet. I don't really need to use it, but I need a moment to collect myself. I knew I might have to do this without Calum, but now that I am... I hate it.

"OH FUCK!" I yell, suddenly having a large amount of fluid gush into the toilet.

"Andi!? What's wrong." Priyanka's voice sounds worried.

"My water broke. I'm definitely in labor now." I sigh. Swallowing the tears threatening to fall.

"Okay, towels and plastic bags for the car." I hear Dani laugh. Honestly I'm glad she is staying so calm because I am not.

"Don't be alarmed it's just me." Sophie's voice comes as she cracks the door open. "Dani says to put this in your underwear to catch excess fluid until you get to the car."

"A diaper?" I half chuckle.

"It holds more liquid than a pad will!" I hear Dani yell.

"Good point." I nod, Sophie leaving the room so I can situate myself.

"Okay, let's go." I sigh walking back into the main room a minute later.

"Make sure my sisters are safe, mommy!" Kason grins, hugging me softly.

"I will, listen to Kevin, okay?"

"I promise." He nods, running back to the stairs.

"Let's get you into the car." Sophie grabs one arm as Priyanka grabs the other, guiding me out and into the passenger seat of Dani's car.

"Keep us updated please, Dani." Priya begs after they get me into my seat.

"I will. You got her phone right?"

"Yeah." I breathe out slowly as another contraction hits, my whole body tensing, the pressure rising into my throat.

"Go. Now. Before babies are born in the car." Sophie yells and as the contraction continues to build I feel the car backing up.

As soon as I feel like I can move again I grab my phone off my lap and call Calum, but there is no answer. Glancing at the time I realize why... "Fuck, he's on staye right now." I groan, changing tactics and hitting call on Sierra's contact since it's the first I find.

"Andi? What's up?"

"Just a minute." I say quickly, hitting speaker and dropping the phone as another big contraction hits, making me groan as I breathe through the pain.

"Hello?" Sierra's confused voice reaches me, but I can't respond.

"Hey, um I'm assuming you are near Calum if she called you. But her water broke. We are headed to the hospital now. He should know."

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