Chapter Thirty-Two

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Finally... it's Friday!

During the week - between school, homework, patrol, and family - I kept an eye out for those men or anything relating to them, but nothing has come up.

Although I know it probably wouldn't do much, I even looked at some of the criminal records for different countries.

I didn't find anything.

I sigh in frustration as I open my locker for the last time this week.

"Crystal!" Layla exclaims, darting towards me.

Well, at least someone is happy.

"What?" I ask, not bothering to hide the frustration in my voice.

Layla ignores my tone, smiling wide, "Guess what?! I-" She stops herself, glancing around suspiciously before speaking again, quieter this time, "I finished the communicator for your suit!"

"Really?!" I exclaim, perking up slightly.

Layla nods, "Yes! It is a small ear piece thing that links up to my phone, allowing us to talk to each other!"

"Cool! We can try it out when I go on patrol tonight!"

"Yes! I also started working on your AI! Once I finish that, hopefully I can link the communication thing to that tech, making an even better version!" Layla finishes.

"That would be great! Do you have it with you?" I question.

"I do! Here you go! Hopefully it works on patrol tonight! To call me, you tap on it. I made it so you should be able to call me while wearing the mask," Layla explains, pulling a small package out of her backpack.

I take it from her and quickly put it in my backpack.

I grin at Layla excitedly, "This is going to be so cool!"

Hi! Sorry it has been so long since I last updated! I know the direction I want this story to go in, but I have been having a bit of trouble figuring out how to move the story in that direction. I don't know if that makes sense, but that is the reason I have not updated for a while. However, I am starting to get ideas again, so I am planning on updating again sometime between today and Sunday! If you want something else to read while I am working on updates, you are welcome to check out my book of Spider-Man one-shots. It is nice having more than one story to work on, so while I am stuck on one, I can take a break and work on the other! Sorry again for the wait!

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