Author Note

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Hello! Welcome to my story. There's just a few things I need to get out of the way before your story begins.

First, is that the timeline is changed up, for example, Kazuma and the others already have their mansion before they have even met Beldia or The Destroyer. I'm not sure why I went with this, but I thought that I could use that to expand the story.

Second, is that I've actually already begun writing this story in my own time. I have up to 50 chapters prepared! Each chapter will come out here and there. I'll try to upload one chapter every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The story will eventually catch up with the chapters I'm writing so updates may slow down eventually. But I will upload the first 10 chapters today so you have something to read!

Third, is that I've created four new Demon King Generals of my own and created new characters that will appear over time.

That's all I have to say for now. The only thing left is how to distinguish between thoughts, speech, etc. All of that will be below;

"Hello." - Character Point of View talking
Name: "Hello." - Character speaking
Hello. - Thoughts
"Hello." - Voice inside someones head
Name: "Hello." - Whisper
Explosion! - Spell, skill or action

(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(B/N) - Brother Name
(M/N) - Mother Name
(F/N) - Father Name
(f/N) - Friend Name
(C/N) - Cousin Name
(BF/N) - Best Friend Name
(H/C) - Hair Colour
(A/N) - Author Note
(CO/N) - Country Name

P.S. Oh by the way, your eyes will be crimson coloured, so pretty much a Crimson Demon.

Double P.S. There will be swearing. A lot of it.

Konosuba X Lightning User Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now