I woke up, blinking a couple times and rubbing my tired, heavy eyes. I look at my watch but can barely read it due to my blurry vision from just waking up, but I can just make out that it's 6:20am.
I look over to my left to see Megumin still clinging to my arm. I was planning on walking around town by myself for once. So sadly, I had to depart from Megumin's embrace.
I slowly get my arm out of Megumin's grasp and stand up out of bed trying not to wake her up. I sneak out of the room and decide to go have a bath. I had a quick one and threw my pyjamas in the wash and put on my normal clothes. It was now 6:30am. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to have some cereal.
It feels weird walking around the mansion when it's so quiet. I finish my breakfast and clean my bowl and make my way for the door and on my way into town. I decided to take 75,000 Eris with me in case I decide on buying anything leaving me with 160,000 Eris left.
I'm walking around town looking around at each store. I learnt two new abilities by watching it in action, Cooking and Smithing. There weren't too many adventurers around this time, which is was now 7am. I look to my left inside to a shop with the name of 'Wiz's Magic Item's'.
Wiz...Wiz Wiz Wiz Wiz...Where have I heard that name? Oh right! Kazuma told me Wiz was a lich who apparently is extremely nice. Although he described her as well-endowed...That was literally it, nothing else.
I look inside the store and see Wiz standing behind a counter, talking to someone within the store. Kazuma was right, she is well-endowed. May as well check out the shop.
I opened the door and a soft 'RING' was heard as the door opened.
Wiz: "Ah! Welcome to Wiz's Magic Item's! What can I help you too today?"
I looked around the store, on shelves were potions, weapons, etc. Seems like this could be a useful store!
I then noticed Wiz was inspecting me carefully and we locked eyes making her blush a tiny bit, probably out of embarrassment.
Wiz: "Ah! Sorry for staring, you just look like someone I've been told about...Could it be that you're (Y/N)?"
I nod.
"Yup! How do you know me?"
Wiz: "I'm a friend of Kazuma's party. He's told me about you."
"I see."
I then look to my right and see a girl sitting on one of the chairs in the shop staring at me. She immediately looks away as I look at her.
"And whom might you be?"
She then looked at me from the corner of her eyes.
???: "A-Are you talking to me?"
"Yes. Who else would I be talking to?"
She then fully faced me, letting me get a good look at her face. She has red eyes, similar to Megumin's. Could she be a Crimson Demon?
"Are you a Crimson Demon?"
???: "A-Ah, yes I am."
"You have crimson eyes, similar to my friends eyes."
That gained her attention somewhat.
???: "Are you a Crimson Demon as well?"
I nod my head.
"Indeed. So what's your name?"
YunYun: "M-My name is YunYun an-"
I snap my fingers.
"Oh! Are you a friend of Megumin's?"

Konosuba X Lightning User Male Reader
FanfictionAn average run-of-the-mill male finds himself in an unfamiliar world. He's been tasked with defeating the Demon King, but first must defeat the Generals that uphold the barrier to his castle. Will this new adventurer prevail or will he fall to the b...