Chapter 8 - Wiz and YunYun

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I woke up, blinking a couple times and rubbing my tired, heavy eyes. I look at my watch but can barely read it due to my blurry vision from just waking up, but I can just make out that it's 6:20am.

I look over to my left to see Megumin still clinging to my arm. I was planning on walking around town by myself for once. So sadly, I had to depart from Megumin's embrace.

I slowly get my arm out of Megumin's grasp and stand up out of bed trying not to wake her up. I sneak out of the room and decide to go have a bath. I had a quick one and threw my pyjamas in the wash and put on my normal clothes. It was now 6:30am. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to have some cereal.

It feels weird walking around the mansion when it's so quiet. I finish my breakfast and clean my bowl and make my way for the door and on my way into town. I decided to take 75,000 Eris with me in case I decide on buying anything leaving me with 160,000 Eris left.


I'm walking around town looking around at each store. I learnt two new abilities by watching it in action, Cooking and Smithing. There weren't too many adventurers around this time, which is was now 7am. I look to my left inside to a shop with the name of 'Wiz's Magic Item's'.

Wiz...Wiz Wiz Wiz Wiz...Where have I heard that name? Oh right! Kazuma told me Wiz was a lich who apparently is extremely nice. Although he described her as well-endowed...That was literally it, nothing else.

I look inside the store and see Wiz standing behind a counter, talking to someone within the store. Kazuma was right, she is well-endowed. May as well check out the shop.

I opened the door and a soft 'RING' was heard as the door opened.

Wiz: "Ah! Welcome to Wiz's Magic Item's! What can I help you too today?"

I looked around the store, on shelves were potions, weapons, etc. Seems like this could be a useful store!

I then noticed Wiz was inspecting me carefully and we locked eyes making her blush a tiny bit, probably out of embarrassment.

Wiz: "Ah! Sorry for staring, you just look like someone I've been told about...Could it be that you're (Y/N)?"

I nod.

"Yup! How do you know me?"

Wiz: "I'm a friend of Kazuma's party. He's told me about you."

"I see."

I then look to my right and see a girl sitting on one of the chairs in the shop staring at me. She immediately looks away as I look at her.

"And whom might you be?"

She then looked at me from the corner of her eyes.

???: "A-Are you talking to me?"

"Yes. Who else would I be talking to?"

She then fully faced me, letting me get a good look at her face. She has red eyes, similar to Megumin's. Could she be a Crimson Demon?

"Are you a Crimson Demon?"

???: "A-Ah, yes I am."

"You have crimson eyes, similar to my friends eyes."

That gained her attention somewhat.

???: "Are you a Crimson Demon as well?"

I nod my head.

"Indeed. So what's your name?"

YunYun: "M-My name is YunYun an-"

I snap my fingers.

"Oh! Are you a friend of Megumin's?"

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