And now you're caught up. Let's see how this ends, yeah?
I felt a bit intimidated towards him. He suddenly thrusts his arms into the air and stretches.Author: "Phwah! I've been waiting SOOOO long to meet you!"
Author: "I've been watching over you from the day you died on Earth. At first, I had you tied to fate but I eventually let you roam free, only for you to end up dead to fate anyway."
"Uh anyway, what's this Nexus thing?"
Author: "I dunno. Just kinda showed up here one day so I consider it my home."
"So what happens next? Instead of going to Eris who would send me away, I ended up here."
Author: "Ah that. You see, not only have I been watching you, thousands of others have too."
He nods.
Author: "Look."
He points to my left. How do I explain what I see...Well, to put it lightly, I see you!
I tap the glass of the screen a couple times.
"What's up!"
Author: "Not only that, but these viewers have some questions."
"Really? I'm fine with answering."
Author: "Yes. Viewers also had questions for your party members so they will be teleported here. It won't be the 'real' versions of them. Just fake copies so they can answer some questions."
I nod. The Author snaps his fingers and they all appear. Suddenly, we're all teleported into a line.
Kazuma: "Uh, what's going on?"
"We're answering some questions."
Kazuma: "Oh."
Author: "Let's begin, yes?"
He clears his throat.
Author: "First question! For (Y/N), @The_lucky_boy04 asks, 'Eris or Aqua'?"
"Hmm. Aqua is cuter while Eris is kinder.... I'd say Aqua."
Author: "Kazuma, this isn't really a question per se but, @dogbat28 says, 'What if I told you that Aqua has been secretly sending you into serious debt beyond recovery and she has been really good at hiding it'."
Kazuma slowly turns to Aqua.
Kazuma: " this...true?"
Aqua turns away and whistles. Kazuma beats her over the head a couple times.
Kazuma: "You useless goddess!"
Aqua: "Ow! Ow! Okay! I'm sorry! Ow!"
Kazuma calms down and the questions continue.
Author: "Megumin, @The_lucky_boy04 asks, 'You love (Y/N)?'."
Megumin's face instantly becomes red. She looks to the ground and ever so slightly nods. Everyone gasps and looks at me.
"Oh come on it was obvious!"
Author: "Aqua, @OneNekoBoy asks, 'Why are you best girl'?"
Aqua: "Isn't it obvious? I'm a beautiful goddess! Who wouldn't love me!"
"Kazuma after finding out he's in debt because of you."
Kazuma nods his head.
Author: "Darkness, @reversecardz asks, 'Do you like any one of the boys in your party'?"

Konosuba X Lightning User Male Reader
FanfictionAn average run-of-the-mill male finds himself in an unfamiliar world. He's been tasked with defeating the Demon King, but first must defeat the Generals that uphold the barrier to his castle. Will this new adventurer prevail or will he fall to the b...