Chapter 39 - Four for Four

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I stretch my arms out, a new day has arrived. Kazuma and I stood outside of the mansion.

"So do you have anything planned?"

Kazuma: "I do."

"Sweet. Lead the way."

Kazuma begins to walk in the direction of Axel as I follow.

"So what are we doing exactly?"

Kazuma: "We are going to 'observe'."

"I think I get what you're hinting at...and I fuckin love it."

We eventually arrive at town and we walk towards the back of the guild. I never mentioned this, but the guild has it's own bathing rooms. Kazuma and I peek into the womens bathing room.

Kazuma: "Huhuhuuu...Now this is quite a treat."

"Even after seeing so many bare boobs in this life, I have to agree."

Kazuma: "What the hell? Who's?"

"Uh, only Aqua, Darkness and Abstract. But I've seen each quite a few times. Some were on purpose and some were on accident."

Kazuma: "Really? What was on purpose and what wasn't?"

"Accident was Darkness while Aqua and Abstract were on purpose."

Kazuma: "Well Abstract makes sense, but why Aqua?"

"...Do you promise to keep a secret? A bro secret."

Kazuma: "Yeah, of course. If it's a bro secret then I could never expose it, bro."

"Awesome. Well when—"

???: "Hey! What are you two doing?!"

Kazuma and I turn around to see two guards looking at us.

"...RUN FOR IT!!"

Kazuma and I bolt away from the guards as they chase after us. After some time, we eventually lose the guards. The two of us were now on a rooftop.

Kazuma: "How the hell did we even end up on a rooftop after a police chase?"

"In all honesty, I'm not sure."

Kazuma: "Anyway, what were you saying back at the bathhouse?"

"Ah right, well...When I ran away, Aqua found me..."

Kazuma: "Uh huh...?"

"And uhhh...she was like 'sorry isn't going to do it this time' and we...did the naughty."

Kazuma looked shocked.

Kazuma: "You...had sex...with Aqua...?"


Kazuma: "Okay well congrats on losing your V-card, but Aqua? Seriously?"

"Well it's not like I could go up to the girls and say 'Hey! Let's fuck!' or something."

Kazuma: "You probably could with Abstract."

"Yeah, soundsaboutright."

Kazuma: " did it feel?"

"Oh bro, I don't even know how to explain it. It was like...mushy and warm, but in the good way."

Kazuma: "That's a weird way of explaining it. So how many times have you done it?"

"Only once. Nothin has happened since."

Kazuma: "Do you want to do it with her again?"

"Hm, I'm not really sure. Maybe?"

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