"Alright..."I stretch my arms out, a new day has arrived. Kazuma and I stood outside of the mansion.
"So do you have anything planned?"
Kazuma: "I do."
"Sweet. Lead the way."
Kazuma begins to walk in the direction of Axel as I follow.
"So what are we doing exactly?"
Kazuma: "We are going to 'observe'."
"I think I get what you're hinting at...and I fuckin love it."
We eventually arrive at town and we walk towards the back of the guild. I never mentioned this, but the guild has it's own bathing rooms. Kazuma and I peek into the womens bathing room.
Kazuma: "Huhuhuuu...Now this is quite a treat."
"Even after seeing so many bare boobs in this life, I have to agree."
Kazuma: "What the hell? Who's?"
"Uh, only Aqua, Darkness and Abstract. But I've seen each quite a few times. Some were on purpose and some were on accident."
Kazuma: "Really? What was on purpose and what wasn't?"
"Accident was Darkness while Aqua and Abstract were on purpose."
Kazuma: "Well Abstract makes sense, but why Aqua?"
"...Do you promise to keep a secret? A bro secret."
Kazuma: "Yeah, of course. If it's a bro secret then I could never expose it, bro."
"Awesome. Well when—"
???: "Hey! What are you two doing?!"
Kazuma and I turn around to see two guards looking at us.
"...RUN FOR IT!!"
Kazuma and I bolt away from the guards as they chase after us. After some time, we eventually lose the guards. The two of us were now on a rooftop.
Kazuma: "How the hell did we even end up on a rooftop after a police chase?"
"In all honesty, I'm not sure."
Kazuma: "Anyway, what were you saying back at the bathhouse?"
"Ah right, well...When I ran away, Aqua found me..."
Kazuma: "Uh huh...?"
"And uhhh...she was like 'sorry isn't going to do it this time' and we...did the naughty."
Kazuma looked shocked.
Kazuma: "You...had sex...with Aqua...?"
Kazuma: "Okay well congrats on losing your V-card, but Aqua? Seriously?"
"Well it's not like I could go up to the girls and say 'Hey! Let's fuck!' or something."
Kazuma: "You probably could with Abstract."
"Yeah, soundsaboutright."
Kazuma: "So...how did it feel?"
"Oh bro, I don't even know how to explain it. It was like...mushy and warm, but in the good way."
Kazuma: "That's a weird way of explaining it. So how many times have you done it?"
"Only once. Nothin has happened since."
Kazuma: "Do you want to do it with her again?"
"Hm, I'm not really sure. Maybe?"

Konosuba X Lightning User Male Reader
FanfictionAn average run-of-the-mill male finds himself in an unfamiliar world. He's been tasked with defeating the Demon King, but first must defeat the Generals that uphold the barrier to his castle. Will this new adventurer prevail or will he fall to the b...