Chapter 1 - First Death

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???: "You (Y/N), have died."


~<Moments Earlier>~

The final bell for school had rung. I quickly packed my things and rushed for the front gate. I waited for my best friend, (BF/N) by the gate. After a minute or two, he arrives and we exit the school and walk over the bridge that looms over the highway.

"Why is PDHPE even a thing. It's so useless!"

(BF/N): "I mean sorta. The physical part is useless but learning about drugs and alcohol and the bad stuff is."

"I suppose."

We finally get to the other side of the bridge as people were walking slow. (BF/N) and I walk separate ways so we had to depart.

"Aight chief. Will you be online tonight?"

(BF/N): "What's today, Tuesday? Yeah, I'll be online."

"Sweet. I'll see you tomorrow."

(BF/N): "Bye bye big man."

We both wave at each other as we turn and walk separate ways.

Ah fuck I have tutoring tonight. Maybe I can make up an excuse to get out of it, but I doubt mother will allow it.

I cross the street and continue along the footpath. I see someone almost get hit by a car but they quickly dodge it.

What a loser man. They just lost the chance to be isekai'd lol.

I have to cross the street one more time. I look right and left, but a stationary car was in my way. I stumbled forward a bit to see past the car. Oh how I shouldn't have stumbled. A truck, going way faster than it should, was about to hit me.

I could see in the reflection of the truck, a boy, a scared and helpless boy. The boy (H/C) hair and crimson eyes. He wore black jeans accompanied by white socks and grey sneakers. He wore a black shirt that was covered by his grey jacket. That boy there is me, (Y/N).

Before I got hit, I could only spit out one more thing. My final words were;




I opened my eyes and it looks like I'm in some weird void room. I'm not sure how to describe the area. The only thing I can see other than the void is the wooden chair I'm sitting on and a white, grand looking chair adjacent to me.

???: "(Y/N) (L/N)..."

I look to my left and see a woman walk past me and sit on the white chair. She has beautiful long silver hair with blue eyes. She's wearing a blue dress and has these small feathers on both her shoulders connected to the dress sorta like wings. Small wings though.

???: "Welcome to the afterlife."

I stared at her not properly processing what she said."

???: "I know it sounds unbelievable, but you (Y/N), have died"


Eris: "I am Eris, Goddess of Fortune. I guide young souls who have passed on, into their second life."

"H-How did I die?"

Eris: "You were hit by a truck bypassing the speed limits and your life was ended quickly."

Suddenly, I remembered what happened.

"Shit, already? I just started my last year of high school..."

Then it hit me.

"Wait...What about my family?!"

Eris: "Well time is fast in here so things have already happened. Your parents wondered why you hadn't come home and when they got in the car to search for you, your brother included, they heard on the news that a boy named (Y/N) (L/N) was rammed by a truck and murdered. They were distraught."

I didn't know what to say. I just looked down at the ground on the verge of crying.

"S-So what happens now?"

Eris: "Well there are 3 choices. 1, is you go to Heaven..which honestly isn't all that good."

"How so?"

Eris: "Well you don't have a physical body so you can't do anything, there's no games or manga. You mainly just bask in the sun for the rest of eternity."

"Oh..what're the other options?"

Eris: "2. You go back to being a baby being born into any family you wish, rich or poor."

"I see, not very keen on the first 2, what's the 3rd option?"

Eris: "The 3rd option is to be reincarnated into a fantasy world full of magic and monst-"

"I'm in!"

I suddenly jumped out of my chair towards her, surprising her.

Eris: "W-Well the world is ruled over by a demon king and its 12 generals. There's bound to be hardship."

"That's fine."

Eris: "Alright, well before I send you off you can choose any one thing to bring with you into the world, whether it be real or something from an anime or video-game."

My mind suddenly exploded with ideas...So many things to choose from!

I sit on the ground and start thinking on what to bring. A cheat weapon? Immortality? Maybe Max stats? Maybe max stats so I don't have to worry about grinding since it might be difficult cause it'll be real life and not a video-game. I snap back to reality and look at Eris who was sipping some tea.


Ugh. Maybe I'll stick to calling Goddess,   sama...Gosh, I'm such a weeb.

Eris: "Decided?"

"Yup, are there stats in the world?"

Eris: "Indeed."

You fool! You insolent buffoon! I'm sorry I shouldn't think these things. Eris-sama is a nice lady...I feel bad now.

"I'd like to go into the world with max stats."

Eris-sama looked somewhat surprised.

Eris: "Interesting, never heard of someone asking for that. Very well, though you may feel a little off due to the sudden change."

A rune appeared beneath me in a circle and I started to float up.

Eris: "Good luck (Y/N)! May you be the hero and defeat the Demon King! And who know's, maybe we'll see each other down there. I've also given you a little gift~!"

I look down at Eris-sama and smile brightly.

"See ya later! Thank you so much this!"

Eris: "Do not worry. And good luck!"

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